Chapter Four

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Luke Jacobo

Isaac... it'll be okay, Luke. You guys will sell the machete instead and everything will be fine. Nobody will know. You... you need that katana. Isaac and you won't get hurt... I promise.

We ride down to a large line... the Mexican Border. We turn down into the line, ready to sell this shit and get home.

I turn to Isaac, who was even more tired than me, at the wheel. His eyes beg for a closing, a way to drift of. But he orders them to stay open. I look in the back and grab something.

I pull out an energy drink and hold it out to him. He quickly takes it, pops it open, and chugs the energized soda in front of me. He nods to me and crushes the empty can. "Thanks." He sighs of carbonation.

I nod, smirking. "No problem. So... who are we selling this stuff to, again? Because it's kind of wierd we drove all the way down here." I ask, curious and cautious.

"Oh, the Mexican Drug Cartel." He mutters, as if it was an every day meeting.

I stare at him, mouth open. "What the fuck do you mean 'Mexican Drug Cartel'?!" I ask, in shock.

"Yeah... so what? Are one of them your cousin are something?" He smirks.

"Shut the fuck up! You know... they could kill us!" I half giggle, half freak out.

"Not if everything is there that we need. Just need to sell that katana and get that money." Isaac sighs, more awake.

We get through the border, everything still in contact. Passed the guards and such. We drive about five miles out into the outskirts of Mexico. Me, nervous as hell.

Up ahead, a place that looks kinda like the Governor's base in The Walking Dead, lays in front of us. We pull up and Isaac rolls down the window as a girl heads our way.

She walks up to the window, with me noticing an automatic rifle in her hands. She looks down at him. "Who are you? State your identity." She orders, her Spanish accent showing easily.

"I'm Isaac Peterson and he is Lucias Jacobo, and we are here for the 'Golden Gate Compromise'." He tells her.

She nods and makes a signal out to the gates of their base, and a door skids open. We drive through the entrance, the door shutting behind us.

Creepy-ass men... everywhere. And thug woman giggle at us, as if they would enjoy kicking our asses and shooting us on the spot.

We are signaled to stop by what seemed to be the head of the gang... and a bunch of henchmen at his side. We are signaled to get out.

I almost open my door, but Isaac grabs my arm. "No, you stay here. I need you to keep an eye around incase they try to steal our car and keep us here." He tells me and gets out of the car.

He heads to the back of the car and returns with a case, ready for false exchanging. He brings it up to the head of the place, and holds it out.

A henchmen walks out and grabs it from him, about to check it. No... I see the shocked faces of the people around, and they pull their guns out, as does Isaac with his pistol, which is totally outnumbered. I climb over the back as quickly as I can and pull out the pocket knife he left with me. I start stabbing and cutting into the backseat, ripping through. I pull away the leather and kick open the outer wall to the trunk of the car. I look back and see them at a showdown.

I go back to what I am doing, knowing that the quicker I am... the quicker I can save him. I owe him one for leading us out the prison. I owe from pulling me out of a bullets way. I owe him for... this exchange faulty.

I pull out a long black case and unhinge, revealing the great Katana. I take it out and calm my breathing. Isaac... I'd rather die than let you die. I open my eyes, a whole new world around me.

I open the door slowly as they yell out there, arguing. I sneak out and head through the side shadows, my form a mere assassin. I walk closer to them and hide behind the darkness of the night sky hitting the walls.

Isaac then pulls his trigger, killing an upcoming henchman, then all hell breaks loose. Another gunshot isn't fired, but five men charge with wooden bats. He dodges a couple of swings, but under them surrounding him, one finally hits him and they start beating him up.

A lot of the people run into shelter, aware and scared of his pistol. I charge out from the darkness, towards Isaac. An henchman notices me and is ready to swing, but I am quicker.

My body races past him, with me unsheathing my katana mid-term. He stands stills, until a groups of cuts appear through his shirt in crimson and blood spurts out and he falls to the ground dead. A lot of people notice me, especially the head of the group.

A man points a rifle at me, but I focus. I dodge the bullets, making way towards him and swing, cutting his head off. Isaac is left alone, trying to get up. I head towards him, but am intercepted by a figure. The girl from the front... the only guard for this place. Her smile is ruthless and she holding the rifle in one hand, swinging it around. "He's ours now... not your's anymore. He pays with his life and soul." She mutters.

I grin, thinking it as funny. "I'd rather die." I smirk and charge at her, as my katana is blood thirsty.

She smirks and dodge my swing and aims her rifle at me. I quickly flip out of the bullets' way as they spray passed me, and I run Isaac's way, desperate to get us out of here. I grab him as she reloads her Gun and run towards the gate, my hopes up. We are almost to the gate and noticing it opening. Why were they opening it?

Isaac looks back and urges me forward. I turn and see snipers at the top ready to range us out and shoot us. I think quickly as we are ten feet away from the entrance. Make this choice before he dies by your hands. The hands that lead him to hurt here at this hell.

I stop at the entrance and he notices late as he passes me. He turns, confused and I smile kindly to him. I cut the chain that hold the gate up with all my might and it falls... splitting us apart. He's safe now... Isaac, please don't save me.

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