14. The First Hunt

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A/N: Hey guys! Over 21,000 reads! Insaaaaaaane. So much love to my 374 incredibly amazing fans <3

**Please read the Author's Note at the end (if you don't already) too. It has important info.**

Thanks for reading, commenting, voting, & fanning <3

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~Harry's Point of View~

"Would you stop moving around so much?"

"Well stop taking up so much space."

"I am not taking up so much space. Hey! Quit shoving me!"

"I wouldn't have to if you'd just scoot over!"

"Don't tell me what to do!"

"Oh my God, just scoot over!"

"I'll scoot over when you leave me alone!"

"You're so immature!"

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are!"

"NO. I'M. NOT."


"I swear, I will-"

"You'll what Harry? Huh? You'll what? What could you possibly do to me?"


"Don't even try to finish that sentence. I'm stronger than you and we both know it."

With a huff I threw myself back in my chair and crossed my arms over my chest, sulking. For the past hour and a half Louis and I had been bickering about the stupidest of things, but I wasn't going to cave in and apologize and neither was he obviously.

I turned away from him and faced the window, glaring at the clouds. Stupid peaceful, happy-looking clouds... Why did I have to be stuck with him for three days? Why couldn't it have been anyone else? I must have been the absolute worst person in a past life to deserve this.

"Stop breathing so loudly," Louis snapped, not even glancing up from his phone that he must have pulled out in the short time I was pitying myself.

"Stop being such a damn asshole then," I retorted.

His head snapped up and his grip tightened around his phone, knuckles turning white as he stared straight ahead, the device shattering to pieces seconds later. I barely refrained from laughing incredulously as I discreetly scooted as close to the window as possible, fearing for my life at the moment. I know I'm a vampire too, but I don't even know a quarter of what he does. I don't even know if I have any powers yet!

"What. Did. You. Say?" He spoke calmly through clenched teeth. Oh shit.

"Uh... Nothing?" I said in a small voice, praying he'd go with it.

"Bullshit," He spat, turning his upper half to face me with an angry glare.

"Whatever. Just drop it," I mumbled, looking away and hiding behind my curls. He's kinda scaring me... I heard him sigh and then it was silent again, so I risked a peek, noticing that he was no longer in the seat next to mine. We're on a plane, so where could he possibly go?

I decided to shrug it off; figuring he must have went to the bathroom or something to cool off. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my iPod, putting in my ear buds and pressing shuffle. A grin slowly spread across my lips as a familiar tune filled my ears. A moment later I shut my eyes, ignoring everything else and letting all of my problems fade away.

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