20. You Bite Your Friends Like Chocolate

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A/N: Hey guys. Thank you for the birthday wishes, how incredibly nice of you all. And oh my fucking gosh, 224,000+ reads & 1,300+ fans. YOU GUYS. Insane.

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Find your happy place... Liam can't get you if you're in your happy place...

Actually he probably could.


Shut up Harry, I'm trying to hide in my happy place.

Maybe Liam will think of that one time I helped him with that one thing and he'll let it go... Maybe if I -

Wait. Why am I so scared?

Well, I mean it is Liam...


Shut up Perrie, I'm debating with myself here.

Even if it is Liam, I can still take him. Yeah, that's what I'll do. If he gets up in my face then I'll have no choice but to throw down, brotherhood be damned.

You're stupid. He's older than you, therefore stronger. Not to mention wiser. And have you forgotten about his powers?

Doesn't mean I won't go down without a fight.

You really are stupid.

I beg to- ah fine, I really am.

"Lou, you muppet, I'm not gonna hurt you if that's what you're thinking."

Shut up Liam.

Wait what?

"You're not?" I asked, eyebrows furrowing in confusion as I openly gaped at him.

I can't handle today.

Too much stress.

This is why I don't like communicating...

He chuckled and shook his head.

"Nope. I think I let you sweat it out enough already," He grinned mischievously. How fucking dare he. I lowered my head in my hands and sighed tiredly.

"You're horrible. Brilliant, but horrible," I mumbled before quickly darting my eyes over to a nonchalant looking Niall. "You. You're just plain horrible," I glared.

"What'd I do?" He questioned, but I could see the humor swimming in his eyes. 

"You knew all along didn't you? Traitor," I accused, crossing my arms over my chest and sulking like the child I think we've more than established I am. It took everything in me not to full out beam like an idiot though when I felt Harry's muscular - what? I'm allowed to think that it is - arm wrap around my shoulders, pulling me in firmly to his side. Remember when I flicked him and felt as if I'd been set on fire or something? Me neither...but if either of us happened to feel that familiar heat spreading throughout our veins like a wildfire, we ignored it.

"Aw Lou bear, don't frown! Doesn't suit you."

"Yeah Lou bear, don't frown. Wouldn't want any wrinkles on that beautiful face of yours," Zayn snickered. I simply responded to that with a middle finger.

I really need to get new friends.

"Anyways, there's some people that you both need to meet later," Liam said excitedly, practically bouncing in his seat. I pursed my lips in thought and moved a tiny bit closer to Harry, playing it off as stretching (I really was though), pretending I didn't feel his arm tighten around me at the same time. Of course I didn't feel pleased with it either, because that's just preposterous.

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