18. Niall's Story

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~Niall's Point of View~

"Hey, can I talk to you for a bit?" I asked, grabbing Harry's attention as he passed by my room.

"Sure," He shrugged, shuffling in then plopping onto my bed. "What's up Nialler?"

"I'm ready to tell you my story," I blurted, not wanting to waste any time and chicken out. He sat up straighter and ran a hand through his curls.

"O-oh. Ok. You've got my full attention," He said, making himself more comfortable. I gulped, also adjusting on my bed so I was fully facing him.

"I uh, I've repressed some things from that time, so I don't know how much I'll be able to tell you," I mumbled, scratching at the back of my ear nervously.

"That's fine."

I took a deep breath, preparing myself. It's never easy racking through my brain and reflecting on that time...

"For starters I was born on September," I watched his facial expression closely, gauging his reaction as I continued. So far he looked calm. "The thirteenth," Still calm. Not for long though. "In 1894, which makes me 120 years old." His eyes widened comically and he spluttered. There's the reaction I was waiting for!

"What!?" He yelped. I chuckled at the squeakiness of his voice and he cleared his throat, cheeks turning a light pink. "That's insane! I can only imagine how old Lou bear, Zayn, and Perrie are..."

"You'll find out sooner or later," I assured. "Anyways, back to my story. Ok, so it was me, my older brother Greg, and me mum in Mullingar, Ireland. Me dad... He had went to war when I was four, and he-" I gulped, blinking back tears. It was way too early to be breaking out the water works. "Well, I'm sure you can guess what happened."

"Niall, you didn't have to tell me that," He whispered, patting my back comfortingly. I shook my head, inhaling deeply.

"You told me everything about you, so it's only fair I do the same."

"If you say so..."

"I do. So, things were quite strange around the house for a while, but then it all gradually started getting better. Mum had found another suitor, my brother and I approved of him, and things were actually looking up. When I was fourteen though, Greg had been forced to go to war as well." I frowned, dropping my gaze down to my intertwined hands. I'm surprised he isn't asking loads of questions already... Liam had warned me about that earlier.

"I can't recall much after that, but I do remember being nineteen and going to university. I was going to be an engineer," I grinned. "I remember going to the pub almost every night, drinking pints with the lads, and doing so many things I knew I shouldn't have just for the craic. I also recall the many sleepless nights and thinking that I was in way over my head, especially when I had to study with a hangover. It would've been well worth it though, I'll have you know."

Oh man, I'm getting off track now... I breathed in deeply and cleared my throat. This is where things start going downhill.

"Anyways, the year was 1914, and it was the day before I started my third year of uni. I was beyond ecstatic, mind you; especially since I had just spent the previous night downing drinks a pal of mine had brewed himself. Tasted like shit, but it got the job done," I chortled. That had been a wild night. Harry snorted, a small smile on his face as he sat completely still, eyes trained on me intently.

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