25. We Are the Monsters, the Voices, Under Your Bed & In Your Head

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~Unknown's Point of View~

They fell apart.

They fell apart before they even got the chance to build themselves up to anything worthwhile.

The best part had to be how easily they went down, or how Tomlinson had actually tried so hard to keep the rubble that was his relationship standing.

Or, perhaps it was when Lewi wordlessly manipulated Harry into thinking that he was angry at Tomlinson; that the person he pretended to be for the sake of fitting in was actually who he was. It was a spur of the moment decision, but it was brilliant, so I found myself not minding that it wasn't part of the plan. Besides, it helped progress things at a much more rapid pace that I rather enjoyed.

Even if Lewi hadn't done that, though, they were still bound to fall apart sooner or later. The foundation of their relationship was built on sand after all, so what else was to be expected?

"Brother, when are we going to do this? I'm getting antsy over here." Lewi whined, fidgeting in a way that was plainly exaggerated. I pretended to think it over before shrugging.

"Now seems like a good time, I guess."

He sat up from his slouched position, features now excited. "Seriously?"


"Fuckin' finally," Elijah muttered from his seat where he'd been seething for the last half hour. "Lets get on with it then. Where the hell is Matt?"

"How many times do I have to tell you, it's Matthew." The man himself corrected as he sauntered into the room, brushing some stray hair out of his eyes as per.

"Same difference." Elijah said, tone dismissive.

"I beg to differ, but, whatever." Matthew replied with a roll of his eyes. He sat down in his chair, turning slightly to face us and crossing a leg over his knee. "Right, so today's the day then?"

I nodded. "It is."

"Beautiful day for it, too." Elijah commented, no longer angry. We'll see how long that lasts.

"The only question," I continued, mindlessly playing with the ring on my left middle finger, "is whether or not we seek them out ourselves, or have them come to us?"

"I doubt any of them would come willingly." Matthew spoke contemplatively a moment later. "It'd be wisest to send out Lewi."

Lewi whooped at that, clapping his hands and rubbing them together with a sly grin. "I'm down."

"Elijah should join him, in case any of them try to give Lewi a hard time." I added, the corners of my mouth threatening to quirk up from the mere thought.

"Fuck yeah!" Elijah was grinning now, which was rare, as he leaned over and high-fived Lewi.

"When you're done doing what you need to do make sure you send them here so we can test them out, see which of them are actually worthy to fight for us." I instructed. They both stood up, eager to leave, before Matthew cleared his throat, catching their attention.

"Remember, despite what that show, what was it called?" He looked at me for a second before remembering. "Despite what that show Supernatural might try to convey, the world is not chalk-full of demons and other types of monsters. They are excellent deceivers, so make sure you're absolutely certain of what they are before you do anything. We can't risk any faults at this point. Understood?"

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