19. Well I'm Screwed...

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A/N: Hey guys! I know...I'm finally updating (sorry about the wait). Quick thanks for getting this story over 200,000 freaking reads (the numbers are fucking bright red)! And thank you thank you THANK YOU for getting me to 1,000+ fans! I never thought I'd get to that point at all. So much love for you all, you amazing dudes & dudets <3

Thanks for reading, commenting, voting, & fanning.

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~Louis' Point of View~

There are many, many things that I will begrudgingly admit to not being proud of, and this just so happens to be one of them:

I was currently sat tensely on the edge of my bed listening in to Niall and Harry's conversation. Might as well admit that I was also scanning their thoughts since I'm such a nosy fuck.

I wasn't interested in Niall's story though, because I'd heard it loads of times. No, I was much more interested in how he would go about telling it and how Harry would react to it, seeing as they were 'such good buddies' and all...

Quickly, before you get any ideas...no, I am not jealous. I'm just curious is all.

My shoulders slowly sagged with relief as Niall explained it the same as always, but that momentary comfort left as soon as it had come with his next words:

"It never came though. Now, I don't know how much Louis or Liam told you, but us vampires are labeled in certain categories."

"What do you mean?" I heard Harry question.


I gulped, knowing right then that I was going to be in some very deep shit. In my defense I wasn't exactly in the best of moods when I'd been forced - by Liam of course; I think he should take all the blame - to tell him what he was. I did explain the most important stuff though...well basically. It shouldn't really be such a big deal then right?

"For example, the vampire that changed me was part of In Veteratores, or The Rogues simply put. Those are vampires who travel alone & ignore the laws set by The Council. Rebels, basically." No Niall, don't further explain...

'Ok, I'm completely and utterly confused.

Louis hadn't told me there were categories...

Makes me wonder, exactly how much has he not told me?'

Oh shut up Harry! I told you enough. God I really hope-

"What are the other categories?"

-he doesn't question it more.

Hopefully Niall won't-

"Let me tell you the ending of my story then me and Liam will tell you whatever ya want to know, yeah?"

-take it further since I'm sure he already knows what I've done. Son of a bi- I should probably stop hoping that things won't happen, seeing as the outcome is always the complete opposite.

I sat there for a moment, silently freaking out.

If I stay then I'm practically giving Liam a free pass to kill me, which I know he will, but if I run off and hide for a while I run the risk of angering Liam even more and possibly even Harry... Basically, none of my options are looking too good at the moment.

I guess I could be responsible for once and own up to my actions; let Liam yell at me for a few hours and accept all the questions I know Harry will blast at me then beg for forgiveness...?

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