Forget me not

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"Something about where I am now's telling me I was meant to go here." Eren sighed, walking along the cobbled path. This young child was hardly able to go out on his own yet today he had completely abandoned his home to get to here on a grudge that he needed to. "I guess I'll just sit down for a while." He thought, pulling out a small bread loaf his mother had baked and nibbling on it. He stared up at the sky and breathed in the fresh air of the spring as cherry blossoms fell from the trees and flowed with the wind.

"Look at all this mess." Levi tsk'ed at nature, kicking stray leaves that had fallen out of his way. "Today's going to be a good day, I can finally see him again." He mumbled to the wind as he smiled to himself. "I'm going to the tree." He laughed, picking up his pace. The path beyond him was dissapearing and the area seemed to be surrounded by an unusual amount of wet mud, which again made Levi tsk. "Filthy. I hate it. Where the heck is the path? Looks like someone's done a massive shit round here." He snorted, walking through the mud on the tips of his toes, avoiding some parts. "Tch, brat. The things I do for you."

The tree's leaves were flowing in circles around the benches. Eren had finished the little golden snack he had had in his rucksack and was sitting patiently on the brown bench with rusted arms.

Finally, Levi had arrived at the top of the hill where the tree was located, and he was happy that there was now a cute cobbled path for him to scuff his shoes on to get the mud off. The sun seemed to have stopped hiding behind the white fluffy clouds and the blue sky that he was looking for had finally showed up, cheering Levi up much more. "Eren." He sighed happily, walking over to the bench the young boy was sat on.

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