Amongst them, he saw Quig and three others he didn't recognise. In front of a man in green, stood Tubbo in a bee costume. Tubbo recognised him immediately, but the man in green held him back. 'Who the fuck are you?' Tommy yelled at the man in green, who was takes aback by Tommy swearing. 'I'm Joel. How do you know Tubbo?' Joel asked, and Tubbo just stood there. 'I'm his brother, Tommy.' Joel nodded when this was said and bent down to Tubbo. 'Do you want to go with Tommy, Tubbo? We can still see each other again, or do you want to stay with me and Lizzie and visit Tommy instead?' Tubbo looked thoughtful. 'I'd rather stay with you and Lizzie, I don't like to be around when my friends are at war.' Joel nodded, and lightly pushed Tubbo. 'Go enjoy your day Tubbo, I'll find you at the end.' Tommy was pissed, and when he thought they were out of the view of Tubbo's 'new' family, slapped him across the face. Just as he landed the hit, Scott turned the corner, and saw the boy they'd all but adopted crying because his best friend slapped him. Scott picked up Tubbo, and walked him to his team. 'Shelby, take care of Tubbo this event please. Niki, go tell Wilbur that Tommy slapped Tubbo and that if he wants Tommy to stay in any events from now, he has to make sure Tommy stays away from Tubbo, okay?' Scott said, and Niki and Shelby nodded. Niki walked off to tell Wilbur, and Shelby kept Tubbo close to her. In the end, Dream's team won the event and life went back to normal, except that Tubbo went with Joel back to Xlife, and a portal was opened between X-life and the Dream SMP, and one between HermitCraft and the Dream SMP.

Wow this took a long time :) 

Anyways this is the end of the book so hope you like it! :))

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