Chapter 7 : Closer

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His head was aching because of alcohol and regrets. But he was here, working, because if he didn't come, he'd still be a sad and drunk mess on the floor of his apartment.

Of course, the brunette never stopped to pop in his thoughts, and he kept scolding himself for losing control of his feelings. It could have happened less brutally.

Caesar was surprised about how calm he was at the moment, until he saw a familiar silhouette at the door. The bell rang.

He felt internal panic rising, but decided to act cold. It was nothing surprising, to see that stubborn brunette showing up again.

Joseph seemed extremely uneasy, and stressed, which was unusual. More than a minute passed without any words being pronounced. But since he wanted him to get out as soon as possible, Caesar was the first to talk.

-Didn't I make myself clear?

-You told me to forget you.

-Yes. didn't.

-How? Jojo asked, with a weak voice. How can you tell me such thing?

Caesar refused to respond, but the other continued, getting closer to him.

-You are the one who forgot me. For seven years I thought you were dead. I don't believe you Caesar. And you shouldn't believe that I can ever forget you.

He didn't understand what Joseph didn't believe about him, but admitted to himself that forgetting is quite impossible –unless you get into the right car accident and get hit in the right spot.

Joseph came closer, a meter apart from him.

-Then don't forget, said the blonde. But leave, now.

The doubts were put aside. His decision was not to be cancelled, and this man's gaze wouldn't change that. But then the brunette did something Caesar would've never thought of at this moment. He pulled the blonde against the wall behind him, and pressed his lips on the other's.

Caesar didn't respond. He needed a second to proceed that Joseph was currently kissing him. His heartbeat had gone crazy, and he was incredibly tempted to melt into the kiss, whatever the reason. But he couldn't. He gathered the strength he had left, pushed this big idiot away, and, not even intending to do so, sent his fist in the other's jaw.

Jojo fell backwards on the floor.

-What the hell, Joseph?!

He was holding his jaw in pain, and looked at him, in awe from what happened. His eyes had a hint of fear in them, but it wasn't a fear of Caesar.

-I don't know what that was for. But you fucking have someone already, do whatever you want but don't you dare cheat on her when I keep telling you to get out! What do you not understand in the word "over"?

He knew how hot his face was, he knew that tears were menacing to leave his eyes, but did everything he could to maintain his composure.

Joseph was slowly getting up, his eyes now not leaving the ground.

-Get out Joestar. That door won't be open for you.

Surprisingly, he left without protesting, without even looking at him.

The bell rang. Caesar finally let his tears drop, crying loudly and letting his knees flinch, therefore sitting on the floor. What kind of pathetic man cries for being kissed? He ironically asked himself. The actual reason of his tears was perhaps even more pathetic. It just hurt so much, to reject him again.

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