Chapter 4: Eager

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Caesar was tired. He didn't understand why he always felt restless and numb. He'd sometimes stare at his ceiling for half an hour without realizing it. No one was here for him, and the solitude he thought he was used to felt heavier than before. His mind would sometimes ramble on Joseph, thinking that he didn't mention when he was going to come back.

Clients were coming and going, he was filling his duty, as always. Someday, a redhead who bought a watch two months ago passed by, informing him how his boyfriend was wearing it all the time. It seemed nice to be in love...

He finally saw Joseph again two weeks after having told him about his missing past. The brunette entered suddenly when Caesar was checking the time on every watch.

-Hello, Caesarino! he said loudly.

The blonde couldn't refrain a smile at the ridiculous nickname, and felt surprisingly happy to see him.

-Don't ever call me like that again, he responded, not thinking a word he was saying. What are you here for?

-Do I need a reason?

Caesar sighed and let the taller man do as he wished, provided that he wouldn't disturb the clients. He was confused about how he should address Jojo. Were they friends now? Did he want to help Caesar recover his memory? Was he just here to bother?

Nothing but useless questions crossed his mind.

-You know, I haven't been late once since I have that watch, said Joseph.

-That's good to hear. Pretty and useful, if it isn't a nice combo...

-Just like me, he said while blinking at him.

This stupid blink was so exaggerated that the blonde almost laughed, but he preferred to tease him.

-I don't see how exactly you are useful, Jojo.

The big brunette smiled and came closer to him, while Caesar realised he didn't deny his handsomeness.

-I wondered, if you'd like me to tell you what I know about...the old you.

Caesar stared at him a few seconds and silently nodded. He ignored if it was going to change anything, if it would help him in some way, but was willing to know, even if the only result could be pain.

Joseph told him the stupidest reasons they found to fight, the names of the girls in his 'harem' and how he won their hearts, the way he refused to give up on anything and how reliable his word was.

He'd eventually leave the store some time before the closing hour, letting Caesar think about what he just learned. From this day, Jojo was coming from time to time, talk a bit about whatever came to his mind, but mainly rehashing their past. Caesar found himself annoyed by the lack of regularity that he showed. Sometimes, he's pass by twice in a week, and come back a month and a half later. The blonde was always wondering when he'll come back. Tomorrow, next year perhaps, never? He couldn't know.

The more time was passing, the more often he could find Joseph in his shop, and the more he was looking forward to see him again. He didn't realise it, but a year had already passed since their 'first' meeting.

A year was the time it took Joseph to invade his mind. Caesar was aware of how attached he was to the brunet, and he knew it was not a good thing. This man could stop showing up anytime, and he was convinced it wouldn't take long before he'd grow tired of telling stories that just didn't matter anymore.

Caesar was fed with someone else's memories, that should still be his own, but he had lost all hope to recover. He just wanted more of that someone.

The new memories he had were all about him. The way he'd wear his scarf, even during summer, the tone of voice he'd use when talking about the past, how he'd never stop using his stupid nicknames no matter how many times Caesar told him to stop, how he'd frown his eyebrows when being called 'Jojo'...

But a day eventually arrived, when he realised how much he ignored about Jojo's present.


AN: Very short chapter, not sure about it. The next one will be long.

Hope you enjoy!


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