The Meeting

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As we walked the light started to glow brighter and brighter and then it just died. We were in an alley way. It was pitch black. There was a movement. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something. A figure. It moved out of the shadows and into the alley way and just about when that happened the clouds disappeared and the moon came back. We all looked up. It freaked us out.

"Hi. I promise you there isn't anything to be scared of. All of your questions will be answered eventually.", the figure said.

"Who are you? Step closer so that we can see you.", I asked.

So, the figure stepped closer and as the moon began to rise higher in the starry night sky, we saw that the figure was a girl. A girl who was our age. A girl who looked as scared as we did.

"My name is Setra, Daughter of the Ocean.", she replied.

We turned and looked at one another. Then we looked at the girl. We were very interested but we were also scared. She was real thin. She had long blond and blue hair. She also had a tattoo like Jelan only hers had a crown surrounded by water and the crown was silver with blue gems in it. This looked like a good thing because I did not want to find any more friends of Jelans'.

We started walking back towards Snow's house. We all had questions but we didn't want to bombard Setra with all of them.

"So, if you are the daughter of the ocean who is Jelan?", I asked.

"Okay, I am the daughter of the Ocean. My mother is the Queen of the Ocean. Jelan is the son of the Underwater Volcano King.", Setra answered.

"So why are you here?", Snow asked.

"The King is trying to disrupt the balance of good and evil and my mother, The Queen Tessa, arranged a peace treaty between us and them. The treaty involves a lot but the main reason that King Velarous agreed was because my mother promise me to the Prince.", Setra responded.

"Promised you to the Prince? Why you? What did you guys run out of heirs or something?", Celia scornfully asked.

"How dare you disrespect a princess! I could easily cause you to just disappear. Good Goddess, who do you think you are!", Setra snapped at Celia.

"Hey Setra, just ignore Celia. She is being really grumpy and we don't know why. She just needs to sleep it off. Come. Walk with us to my house.", Snow replied in such a quiet and calm voice.

We all started walking again. Setra started telling us about what her people call "The Great War." She explained that The Great War was a terrible time of evil rulers, and all the rulers wanted was to torment everyone, including humans, that was until one human and the Ocean Daughter came together to create a new species.

"My people are the result of this new species. Each of us are born just like a human child but only certain citizens are blessed by the Goddess, Arela. She is the Goddess of Power and Water. If anyone is blessed by her then they go to a new type of school where they learn to harness their power. The only catch is that the Goddess only provides the gift of Power and Water to a girl every twenty-five years. Well guess who got the gift this time. Me. Ugh.", Setra explained.

"Alright so let me get this straight. You are known as Princess Setra. You have the gift of Power and Water. Your Goddess gifts certain people in your species. Your species is basically half human and half ocean. What is an Ocean Daughter? What are the males called?", Belle asked full of curiosity.

"You are on the right path. To answer your questions, an Ocean Daughter is a girl who was born and raised underwater in our kingdom. A girl who is born and raised becomes a recognized Ocean Daughter at age 18. Up until then the girl is sent off to Power school and that is where she finds out if she was blessed or not. Once the school determines if she is blessed then they send her home to her family to let them know. I had a friend once who found out she wasn't. When she was told by her power professor that she would be leaving them, my friend was so devastated that she ran away to the Underwater Volcanoes and got a job working as a maid for the King. When a girl learns that she is or isn't blessed by Arela, it determines the rest of her life. Most will go home and tell her parents and then go to my castle to work as lady's maids or they do like my friend did and run away except most don't run to our enemy", Setra told us.

"Okay well you didn't answer my question about what the guys are called.", Belle asked.

"I am getting there. The males are just called Sons of the Volcanoes. They are called that because at the creation of our species the father of the child was human so in order to make the guys feel better, we gave them a new name. Each male is given two choices. The first choice is to go to school and join the military. The second choice is to go to school and marry afterwards. I know that it seems bad for the guys but most of the guys in our kingdom have actually enjoyed not having a gift because the guys get a choice, unlike the girls.", Setra quickly added.

"Okay so if I am understanding you right, the guys are basically unequal compared to the women.", Celia sarcastically clarified.

"I know that you are having an issue tonight but good Goddess, Celia, you are being really bitchy tonight. Please excuse my language. I understand that from your point of view, my species seems like we are treating the men wrong but you know what if my people are happy with this system then as a society we don't complain. Now granted, some men are better off than others but everyone is equal when it comes to work opportunities, wages, and living conditions. Our government believes in equal help so Celia if you don't like this then I don't need your help.", Setra responded.

As Setra stood thereand ripped into Celia, Snow stood looking at the scene unfolding in front ofher. 

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