The Wedding

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We had been walking around trying to figure out what to do. Setra was tired. Chip was annoyed and I was ready to knock Prince Jelan's lights out. He had to have known by now that Setra was missing and that I was too, but the halls were clear. There was something suspicious going on.

"Maybe they are trying to figure out how you both got away.", Chip spoke up.

"I seriously doubt that. Your prince doesn't overlook small details. He knows how. I think he is setting a trap for us somewhere.", I responded.

"You think so?", Setra questioned.

We walked a little more. The hallway got really narrow and I wasn't sure if that was normal or not but I didn't care. As we were walking, I thought I heard footsteps behind us but there wasn't anyone there and I thought I was going crazy but then someone came around the corner and we took off.

"Halt! Stop right there.", the person said.

We all stopped in middle of the hall. We had no idea what to do. Then the voice started instructing us and we did as we were told. First, he told us to put our hands in the air. Then he said for us to turn around slowly. I felt like we were being arrested and, in a sense, we were I guess, and when we turned around there was a guard standing there with a bow and arrow aimed directly at us. After that more guards joined him and they put the same silver-cold 5-pound cuffs on Setra and me. They tied Chip's hands together with rope because I guess they figured if he couldn't get out of the cuffs earlier that he wouldn't try to now. Then they hooked a chain on the cuffs between me and Setra and hooked the chain to the rope that bound Chip. We all looked at one another frightened.

"Do as they say and we won't be harmed. They have a code that they must abide by.", Chip stated quickly.

We nodded. As the guard urged us all forward, I could see that Setra was so terrified because she knew that there was no getting out of her wedding now and that scared her and it scared me. I wondered what Jelan would do since he knew that Setra never wanted the marriage.

"He doesn't care what anyone else wants just what he wants.", I thought to myself.

We walked back the way that we had just come only instead of taking the hallway that led to the dungeon we took the one on the right that went up to a winding staircase. Setra, then me, then Chip all trudged up the stairs and with the weight of the cuffs and each of us pulling on the other it took a little bit to get to the top. When we got up there, Jelan was waiting. He grinned.

"Your highness.", Chip said as he respectfully bowed.

"Guards take them to my chambers. I will meet you there. Princess Setra needs to be taken to her new room down the hall. Servant! Take her down there.", Jelan commanded and pointed the servant in the direction he needed to take Setra.

So, the guard that chained us together came over. He grabbed Setra and unchained her; then the servant walked over and with the help of the guard they dragged Setra down the hall.

"Belle! Belle! Don't do anything they ask! I'm sorry!", she said as the room door was shut and locked.

"Jelan. I just want you to know that you won't get away with this. You're nuts. Setra doesn't love you. She never will. I understand why. You are a liar, a cheat and a nothing-matters-except-yourself kind of guy.", I said.

Then Jelan turned around and slapped me. He hit me. I was mad. No, I was beyond mad. First, he chained me up. Second, he took Setra away, and lastly, he hit me. I lunged. I forgot that Chip was attached to my cuffs still and so instead of getting to Jelan I hit the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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