Plan B

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There we were, me and Celia, sitting on the floor in my room trying to figure out how we could help Belle. We had been thinking and brainstorming for nearly two hours. Our brains were on the brink of being fried.

"What if we just try to follow the instructions that she left us?", Celia asked me.

"I have no idea. It looks like she wrote this note in a hurry. All I can understand is that we are plan b and if she isn't back by tonight, we are to go after her except that we have no idea how to get to wherever she is. "Eghhhhhhhh.", Celia responded.

Instead me and Celia decided that instead of waiting around we would do something, so we got some stuff together in our bags and went to the library. When we got to the library we went to the back. Both of us had been to this section before because it was Belle's favorite part of the library, the mythology section. We looked up everything we could on the Underwater Volcanoes and wrote almost three pages of notes on how to get there, what to expect and how to survive the trip to and back. It sucked but it was beneficial.

Celia looked weird. She wasn't worried which was unlike her. When her best friend is in trouble normally, but she looked all kinds of strange. Her face crinkles up and she starts looking ticked. Celia just wasn't acting like her normal self. I could tell that she was not upset or anything. In a way, she actually looked like she was relieved.

"What the heck is wrong with you," I replied.

"Nothing. Well maybe it is nothing but I don't get why we are trying to help a person that did not even exist up until about 24 hours ago", Celia responded.

"Belle is our friend. She has disappeared and we have to go get her. That is what friends do. But past even that, it is what family does for each other. We fight. We love. We go through hell and back. So, get up and let's go get our friend back", I replied.

"No. I won't help a complete stranger just because she does not like the way she is being forced or told to live. I do not care", Celia answered.

I stood up and looked at Celia. I was in shock. How the heck could she say that. I don't understand. I can't figure out what is wrong with her.

"Celia?! What the hell! How could you say that? What the heck is wrong with you? Hell ever since the other day you have been acting as if you have suddenly wish Belle would stay gone", I replied.

I took off out the front doors of the library. I could not stand to see her that way. I mean Celia, our best friend, betraying us, betraying me. I had never heard her say anything like that before. She just straight up gave up. We sat there for hours and wrote notes and tried to figure out what her note meant. I keep going over the note over and over again and what it said.

I read it out loud, "Snow and Celia. If you have found this that means that I have gone after Setra. Please do not freak out. I will be okay and home soon, but if I am not home in the next 24 to 48 hours come after me. Follow the sunset to the beach and you will find the rock that is shaped like the peak of a mountain. It is the rock that will help you solve the riddle to the opening to the Underwater Volcanoes. I love ya'll so much. I can offer this help to the riddle. When you look at the sky, is there a similarity to Setra's birthmark? That is all I can say. I have to go now. Jelan will be coming soon and when he does you guys will be distracted and I will leave with him but I do not know how it will happen but it will. Good luck and you guys are my family no matter what."

That was it. That was the last thing she said to us.


Snow is overreacting. She is thinking that Belle is in actual danger. She is being ridiculous. The idea that we should help someone who is a complete stranger because Belle said so is stupid. There is no real heroism in getting yourself in trouble.

"Why the hell should I go help Snow?", I asked myself.

"If you don't care about your friends then who do you care about", a voice asked.

"Who's there?", I responded.

"I am your conscious....not!", the voice answered back.

"I love my life the way it is. I have my family. I have my family's money. I honestly don't need anything from you, you stupid voice!", I blurted out.

"Well, you see money is not the issue. I need you. I need you to listen very carefully to the words I am saying. When the sun sets tonight, you will tell your friend Snow that you and her need to fix things between ya'll and that you were wondering if she would go to the park where Setra was kidnapped to talk. Once you are there, a black van will be waiting hidden behind the large oak trees. If your friends and family mean anything to you then you will hit Snow upside the head (either by your fist or the rock that will be next to the bench) and make her pass out.

Once she has passed out you will signal to the van and you two will be brought to me. This is not a negotiation. I will hurt everyone you hold dear, starting with that lovely little sister you have. She would make for a great chamber maid or maybe even a female escort for the younger men in our society. Do NOT test me, or I will follow through. Oh, and don't tell anyone where you two are going or I will do far worse to your mother. Do you understand?", the voice threatened.

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