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I looked at the girl in the cell. It was Setra. The girl had blonde hair and she had said her mother would sign her life away to Prince Jelan. The only one I knew that was betrothed to that piece of jerk was Setra. Oh, my goddess! Setra was sitting right there. She had been there the entire time. I looked at her. Was it her or was I dreaming? No, it was her. I could tell she had been crying for a while and that she was extremely tired but there was something about her that seemed off.

"Setra? It's Belle. You're going be fine. I am going get you out of here okay?", I asked very cautiously.

" that you, no it can't be. This has to be a dream. You can't be here. I told you not to worry that I would be fine. But wait if that's really you then how did you find me?" She responded in between her sniffling.

"It is me. I followed the instructions you gave me two nights ago; you know when you appeared to me in my dream. Anyways all of that doesn't matter now, because I'm going break you out of this place. I'll be right back."

I walked down to the cell I had been in and opened it. Chip was awake but he was confused as to who I was and what I was doing there. I didn't want him to know who I was yet so I asked him for some advice. I asked him that I thought a man of "our" kind had fallen in love with a human and what it was that the girl could do? His response was unchain him and he could make them happen and with his answer he smiled.

"Crap. He figured out who I was speaking about.", I told myself.

He looked at me and I asked him "if I unchain you then you have to go with me and do as I say. You have to decide if you want your lovely powers or the girl of your dreams. Got me?"

"I understand, my lady.", he respectively responded.

I walked over to him and pulled the keys out of my pocket. He lifted his arms up a little bit and I unchained him. He grabbed me and swept me off my feet. When he put me down I felt really strange like he had just connected with me in some way.


She had unchained me. I was so glad to be free. I promised myself to her for the rest of my life. Finally, I would get to live on land. I willingly gave up my powers for her. I would have someone.

She honestly never seemed happy with the arranged marriage between Princess Setra and Prince Jelan but I no longer cared. I just was glad to start a friendship that might grow into something more. I considered asking her to marry me right then and there but I decided I should wait. She and I walked back to Princess Setra's cell and I unlocked it for her. She went to her and embraced her in a hug. I looked at her and wondered if she could ever feel that way for me. I gave the girls a moment and then Belle looked over at me and I walked to her.

"Chip unchain her.", she quietly stated.

I got on my knees and unchained her. She looked very sad. She looked confused as to why I was there. She was really pale like the bright moon that shines above in the sky. Her hair was a mess. Her clothes were starting to rip. I figured we should get her some new clothes.

"Belle, if I may, Princess Setra is in need of new clothes. Do you wish for me to take her to get some?"

"Chip, thank you for your offer but at this moment I do not feel it's safe to be walking around with her. Setra what do you want?", Belle responded.

"I really just want out if these old rags and into something clean. Chip I thank you for such a great suggestion. Before we leave though perhaps Chip, you could go see if anyone is out there.", Setra politely asked.

I nodded my head yes and walked out the cell door, up the stairs and out the dungeon doors. As I walked away, I heard the princess thank Belle for saving her. She didn't know that she still had to get pass the guards and basically everyone to get to the surface. The one thing I knew was that this would be a fight to the very end.


I was so glad to be out of that cell. It was so cold and sad and lonely but I was happy Belle got me out. The only concern I had was how we would get out of this place. I am engaged to the Prince. Belle is a prisoner and Chip, well he is Jelan's personal attendant.

"This is just great. All of us are going be wanted by the king once he finds out.", I told Belle.

"Do I look like I care what the king thinks? He can go suck it. He is probably no better than that no good, pain in the butt liar son of his.", she replied.

"True. Let's get out of here. I need some new clothes and a talk with my horrid mother.", I sweetly said.

Belle and I started walking up the hallway toward the stairs when Chip walked up. He offered me his arm and I gladly took it. I was very weak and felt horrible. I wanted everything to just stop but I knew as soon as we walked out the dungeon door we were in for a surprise.

We all walked together trying to support each other. We were all weak from being forced to live in a dirty cell for a day or more, well that is except for Chip.

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