↳ Our Unfortunate Endgame

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⚠️Blood, fighting, smoking mentions⚠️

"Hello Kuroo!" Tadashi greeted, smiling down at him from his balcony, where he was tending to his wife's roses. The bedhead grinned up at him as he got out of his car and waved.

The Yamaguchi's were the only neighbours that had ever been nice to both him and Kenma, and he had a lot of respect for them. Such a nice couple.

"Good evening, Tadashi! Tell Hitoka we said hello!" The green haired man nodded, shining him a quick smile before walking back inside his home.

Tetsurou turned to face his own hom—



And his small smile dropped instantly. He could smell it faintly from here. The smell of weed was one he knew best, but one he hated the most.

Taking a breath of fresh air, he walked up his driveway, bag in hand. He slowed to a stop outside the door and pressed his head against the wood. It felt jagged against his head, and he could smell it from here.

'It'll be fine... he probably wasn't smoked that much today...'

He didn't know how wrong he was.

When he opened the door, Kuroo coughed as the smoke surrounded him, dropping his groceries on the ground as he covered his nose. It was their anniversary and Kenma hadn't even taken a day break.

"Ken—," the taller of the two walked inside but stopped to cough a little as he waved the smoke out of his airways, heaving a little.

"Mhm," said man turning to his coughing boyfriend in the hallway. He was lying on the ouch with a blunt in between his fingers, eyes red.

He had another long pull, before puffing the smoke out slowly, standing up lazily. He walked over to his boyfriend, slightly assisting my waving the smoke out of his way.

"Don't be dramatic Tetsurou, it's only a little smoke," the taller of the two glared at him, standing up as his lungs became accustomed to the fumes once again.

"Out. And take that shit with you," he pointed at the back door. Kozume shrugged, taking another drag as he walked towards their small garden.
"What am I going to do with you..."

Kuroo snapped himself out of his thoughts, coughing as the smell disturbed him. Rushing to the kitchen, he made a grab for the oven towel.

He began to wave the smoke away, slowly but surely, running around and opening all of the windows on the bottom floor. As soon as it was airing out well, he turned to look at the door.

Kenma was still smoking, he could see him through the window. He huffed, irritated. Well, guess he had to bring it up some time, right?

"Ken, come inside. We need to talk about this," Kozume looked up at his boyfriend slowly, taking another drag.

"Talk about what?" He shrugged as he walked past Kuroo and back into the house, stubbing his cigarette on to the doorframe.

"This-! All this smoking and getting high, Kenma, it's not good for you. Your body can't take this... and neither can I," he tried being calm, but his annoyance levels burst through the roof as the man dropped down on to the sofa.

"So..? It's no big deal, Tetsurou. I think you're just being over dramatic again,"

Over dramatic. Kenma's favourite phrase to use on his boyfriend, and it had worked one too many times.

"It is a big deal. You wanna know what I think? I think you're being selfish as fuck, acting like you'll be the only one affected by your fucking problem! What about our friends? Family-?! Hell, what about me, Kenma?"
He dragged a hand through his hair in frustration.
"I don't want to see you suffer when you get to your 50s all because you smoke this bullshit,"

"Are we seriously going to do this right this second—,"


"Tetsurou, you're giving me a headache," Kozume sat up, rubbing his temples and glaring up at his lover.

"How do you think I feel? What— if I said your smoking gave me a headache, would you try to stop? Exactly. Don't give me bullshit,"

"Tetsurou, it isn't fucking easy—," Kuroo snapped, slamming his hand against the wall. This was how most of their fights started...

"I know, okay! That's your excuse every fucking time, but you know what, you don't even TRY to stop anymore!" At this point, their voices started to raise.

It wasn't just a conversation anymore.

"Kenma, it's not healthy—,"

"Fucking- look at me-! Does it fucking look like I care-?!"

"Keep your voice down, for gods sake. The neighbours—," Tetsurou began to get impatient with how much his boyfriend was interrupting him.

"To hell with the fucking neighbours!" Kenma's sudden shout made him jump, and silence took over them for a minute. The shorter of the two shook his head, taking the vape pen out of his pocket.

Kuroo stared at Kenma, before glaring back at it.

"No. No, you're not doing that right now. No, fuck sake, you're not vaping while we're trying to talk about your problem—,"

"Shut. The fuck up. Right now, right fucking now- fucks sake, just leave me alone,"

Tetsurou's eyes were still glaring at the glass vape like it was a weapon. He felt like it was dangerous..

That... that thing-! It was one of the most disgusting things Kuroo had in his memories. Sure, it was better than the blunts and cigarettes, but he still couldn't stand his boyfriends chain-smoking, no matter what it was.

Before he knew what he was doing, stormed over to his boyfriend and grabbed the damned thing by clearomiser and pulling it out of Kenma's hand.

The battery case was glass, so was the clearomiser.. almost the whole thing was fragile. And Kozume soon realised what Tetsurou was doing.

"Tetsurou, I swear if you—," too late.

He had already hurled it across the room, before the glass shattered against the wall next to the fireplace with an ear splitting crack. It splayed out on to the floor, big and small pieces landing everywhere.

Silence enveloped the two for a second as Kenma stood up, rigidly going over to the broken vape and picking up a piece of the glass casing.

"K-Kenma, I didn't..- I didn't mean to..-," Kuroo stammered, the regret and fear sinking in as he saw his boyfriend turn to him.

"Tetsurou-!" His voice got louder every letter of his name, the bleach blonde whipping his head around to face him.

Said man backed up a little, but grunted as he was pushed back against the wall.

Kozume screamed at him over and over again, yelling at him for being 'useless'.

"WHY-?! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO DESTROY MY HAPPINESS-?!" A sudden strike of pain tore through his arm, causing Tetsurou to scream in agony.

The shard of glass Kenma had picked up before was being raked through his skin, blood dribbling out of the gash and on to the floor.

Every second felt like not only was the glass tearing through his skin, but tearing through him too.

Before he knew what he was doing, Kuroo had shoved him across the room, the glass going with him. Tears poured down his face as he could feel his heart shatter...

Kozume didn't love him.

If he did, he wouldn't have hurt him like that... and the fact he could see that now was almost as painful as the glass.

With tears in his eyes and an aching feeling lingering in his body, Tetsurou shoved the shorter man off him, choking out one last utterly heartbroken sob before running for the door.

He didn't take anything, just his wallet and phone, and that was already in his pocket. He left his keys on the side table, he left his clothes and basically his whole life back there.

All he could think about was the pain swelling in his arm and the overwhelming aching in his heart as he raced through the streets.

Your Loss, Not Mine | KuroKen → BoKuroo | Haikyuu!! FanficWhere stories live. Discover now