↳ My New Safe Haven

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'Damnit...' Kuroo thought to himself with gritted teeth. He had his head buried in his pillow, trying to block out his own thoughts.

He hated how insecure he was, it was so annoying and off putting... he couldn't ever have one good thing without questioning it over and over again.

Bokuto told him right to his face that he liked him.. so then why...

"Tetsurou? I've been calling you for the past five minutes," said man's voice made him jump, the bedhead jolting his head up.

Koutarou panicked for a second, waving his hands around in a frenzy.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!"

"It's ok Kou, you just made me jump," Kuroo claimed, chuckling nervously. The owl-like man stopped fussing, confused.

"Are you alright?" He frowned, walking over and gesturing towards the bed, asking if he could sit.

'Kou said he didn't want any secrets between us... I don't want him to feel bad...' Tetsu, nodding wearily, decided to tell him.

"This isn't your fault at all.. but I just..." he fiddled with his fingers nervously, his eyes drifting back and forth from the sliver of sunlight streaming into his room and the other man's face.
"I just feel really weird about being in a committed relationship so soon after Kenma. Like, we... we were together for years! And it's not that I don't want that with you, because-! Because I do! So, so bad Kou, I'm..."

He trailed off from his nervous rambles when he saw the smile. Bokuto's smiles were usually loud, immediate and happy. But this one. This one.

It was small, but it held a lot of happiness. It also held nervous energy, an excited aura but most of all, it represented everything Koutarou was in Kuroo's eyes.

That smile was Koutarou.

"Tetsurou, we don't have to be in a committed relationship at the very beginning. We can take time to ourselves and figure this out," he offered his hand, Tetsu sliding his hand in and lacing their fingers together.
"This is a big jump, and we can take this however we want. Casually, or serious. There's always time to figure it out,"

A small chuckle came from the back of Kuroo's throat, surprising Bo.
"I've never heard you be as serious or wise as I have these past few days," he claimed as he wiped his eyes.
"I had no idea you could be this smart,"

Bokuto made a face of fake offence, before both of them broke down into giggles. It was like they were teens all over again.

When they were teenagers... captains... what they wouldn't give to go back to the more simple times. Koutarou looked over at the boy he had spent most of his life with through HighSchool up until now.

"Hey, Tetsurou? I'll always take care of you. You know that right? Whether we're in any kind of relationship, I'm always gonna be here," Kuroo smiled fondly, squeezing his hand a little.

"Me too. I always want to be here for you.. you always do so much, I want to be able to pull my weight like you do," the owl smiled, pressing a kiss to his new partner's forehead.

"Why don't we get some food, and then we can watch that new episode of 'Line Of Duty'?" He offered, helping the injured man to his feet.

The scar had been getting better after a few weeks and they planned to revisit the hospital soon, just for a checkup. In a strange way, the bedhead didn't quite want it to heal.

Sure it hurt, but he felt like a prince when Bo would kiss the bandages after redoing them after the daily checkup, and how gently he would hold his arm.. he felt special.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2021 ⏰

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