First Day 💚

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Note: For fun, I highly recommend wherever it says (insert) to comment. I would love to read them! :) Also enjoy!

Your POV:

Your name is (f/n) (l/n), and you are a student at (insert name). It's the middle of the first week back, and the instructor announces you have an exchange student.

"Alright class settle down. We have a new student here today from (insert place)."

There stood a tall blonde male with gorgeous green eyes. And.... a cat backpack? :0

"He will be with us til the end of the year. Please welcome.....




"That's correct." He seems to smile nervously.

The class greeted him and he sat in the desk diagonal and to the right of me, his desk further up.

(He's cute...)

"Satan, I hope your time here is comfortable. (Y/n), I'm assigning you with guiding the exchange student around and answering any of his questions."

"Of course." I said peering at Satan and him looking back to where my voice came from.

"Thank you, (Y/n)." He smiled.

"No problem."

And class went on.

*bell rings*

The class crowded around Satan asking him lots of questions.

"My name? Well I honestly have no idea why my parents named me Satan, but please don't pay any mind to that." He sweatdrops.

I laugh a little and go to where he is being surrounded.

"C'mon, let me give you a tour." I held out my hand.

He takes it and I pull him out of the classroom.

*a few stops later*

"And here is the library."

I look back and Satan seems to be in awe.

"Do you like to read, Satan?"

"I guess you could say that."

"Me too. I love getting away from reality with a good book."

"Getting away from reality huh? What kind of books do you like to read, (y/n)?"

"Fiction books mostly! Stuff with vampires, witches, werewolves, demons, and everything supernatural. I also like adventure with magic!" I gleam at the thought of...

"Like Harrison Porter." We said in unison.

We both stood for a moment and then laughed.

"I like a lot of mystery myself." He says.

"Oh do you now, Sherlock Holmes?" I tease as we walk down an aisle of books and him on the opposing aisle.

"I love it. Mystery is often best." He shoots a smug look through the cracks of the books.

"Maybe so, but I'll stick to my dream world filled with magic and things that are impossible."

"Impossible you say? What if someday someone came up to you and told you those things exist?"

"Then I would tell them to take me where they exist." I smile on the outside, but my heart on the inside longs for a dream it'll never know.

SatanxReader/Exchanging Hearts 💚Where stories live. Discover now