Chapter eight

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[Atsumu's pov]

I opened my eyes squinting from the light, I sat up popping my back then grabbing my phone, It seemed to have many notifications mostly from my brother.

Right then and there all the memories came back, the walking away, the rain and the confusion.

I definitely messed this one up

I stood up and went to the washroom to get cleaned up, after a while I decided to go see my brother I'm sure he'll have advice.

"Hey Osamu?" I called out, he's normally sat in his room probably texting suna or something.

"What's up?" I hesitated before answering but it was bugging me, why would Sakusa come that close, surely he was drunk? Or was he?

"I had a problem, I think I messed something up, what would you do if you walked away from someone you like?" It came out more harshly then intended but we have practice later on and that only meant trouble..

"Well if figure out why I walked away then explain to the person why I did it? Why?" Osamu seemed to squint his eyes at me and I just shrugged

"Thanks, I'll see you at practice I guess" I left his room and decided to go on a walk I mean I'll have to walk to practice soon anyway.

I quickly put on a jacket over my volleyball shirt and headed out.

It wasn't that bad of a day, the weather was okay, it wasn't sunny or dull the wind was blowing lightly and not many people were out.

After about 10 minutes he decided to head to practice I mean going early wouldn't be that bad.

Once he reached the court the only person there was him and the coach so he decided to practice, after a while the team came rushing in, all except sakusa.

They done the first practice round and we were in position to continue until the door opened and of course Sakusa came walking in

He seemed to ignore every time I looked at him and didn't want anything to do with me.

What is this guys problem? First he hates my guts the next he tries to be nice then he kisses me and now he hates me again why are soulmates so confusi-

"Atsumu!" I turned to the coach who pointed to the ball in my hand indicating me to set it

I set it to Sakusa like normal yet he ignored it and just let the ball hit the floor

I decided to just throw another one he probably just missed it, I set another ball which he yet again ignored

Instead of getting annoyed I decided to throw another one the best I could, surely he'll be able to hit it.

I set the ball again which of course fell to the floor again

"Are you ignoring my sets on purpose?" I turned, he had a smirk spread across his face

"Wow you catch on fast, don't you? Guess your not as dumb as I thought" his sarcastic tone made my blood boil

"Watch the way your talking to me Sakusa" I stood closer to him in which he followed

"Watch what your saying Atsumu." I could feel my face turning red and I had to hold back punching him right across the face

"You're so selfish." That seemed to anger Sakusa since he stood even closer and looked.... Hurt?

"Oh yeah I'm selfish? Says the one who kisses me then walks away with no explanation!?" It came out loud and I could hear the hurt in his voice.

I couldn't even speak I was just stood still

"Sakusa-" before I could finish I felt a sharp pain hit my face

He just punched me? Two can play that game

"Fuck you man" I swung back at him hitting his nose, not with enough force to break it though.

It then turned into a full fight and after a while it ended with the coach pulling us apart and separating us for a while.

"You kissed Sakusa?" I turned to hinata who was now stood outside the volleyball court with me after my brother took Sakusa to calm down.

"Yes" I rubbed the back of my neck nervously and pulled up my jacket revealing the writing


I knew he wouldn't say anything

"You got your enemy too, huh?" Just as I was going to question him he pulled out his forearm revealing the writing 'kageyama' I then nodded in understanding

"You should talk about it without fighting, who knows he might have your name? Even then he might actually like you" I shook my head before speaking

"It's not that, I feel like he hates me I mean yeah he cares about me but would he actually be willing to be with me?" I sighed and leaned back on the wall

"Ask him." Hinata tapped my back before heading back into the court

I took a deep breath before walking back into the court, I stood back in position and we began to play but this time like normal.

After awhile the coach dismissed us all, I grabbed my bag and headed for the door but I saw Sakusa sat on the bent alone and took this time to ask him to hang out so I can explain.

I walked over and sat next to him while leaning back on the wall

"I know you probably don't want to hear from me right now but if I meet you somewhere will you let me explain?" I waited for his reply, he turned his head to me looking conflicted

"Okay then" I let out a breath of relief and Sakusa was still turned to me, we seemed to stay like that for a while until I stood up

"I'll see you then" I smiled slightly and he just nodded in return

I hope this goes well

A/n: I'm actually quite tired so if there are any mistakes please ignore them hopefully this was interesting enough?

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