Chapter four

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Once Atsumu got home he decided to rest after the walk home he seemed more tired then usual.

His eyes were getting heavier and everything was turning black.

"Osamu-" before he got to finish his sentence he fell to the floor with a crash

"Atsumu? Was that you?!" Osamu came rushing to his side, at first he was worried till he saw the writing.

[time skip]
He woke up with his blonde hair over his eyes and he didn't feel dizzy at all.

What happened? I've never fainted before?

There was a sudden sharp pain in his forearm, he looked down to see the name

'Sakusa' written in dark black ink

What? Did my brother write this on my hand as some dumb trick?

He looked at his surroundings and he was just laid in his room, he decided to get up and try find his brother.

Shit he's at practice

He quickly ran to get ready since he was supposed to be there too.

Better wash this off before Sakusa sees..

He washed his forearm once....nothing happened

He then washed it a second time.....nothing....nothing ....nothing.

What the-

He sighed deeply and then just put a turtle neck underneath his normal shirt at least no one will see the writing right?

He began to head out the door with his training bag and headphones

This is going to be a long day..

A/n: thanks for reading if you are! :D

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