Chapter seven

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After a while at home it was almost time to go to the party.

Sakusa was sat scrolling through his phone, he knew he had to wear something that would cover his forearm completely

You know to hide the writing

He's had his soulmates name for a long time now. And he hated it, it was the worst feeling he didn't want a soulmate or so he thought he didn't need one.

After all the germs would get everywhere he liked his own privacy.

He sighed heavily getting ready, he'd already had a shower. Parties weren't really his thing a bunch of sweaty and dirty teens dancing getting germs everywhere. Ew.

But he knew he'd stay out the way from everyone and away from the germs.

He picked out a white jumper and pulled it over his head, along with sliding a black leather jacket over it and slid on his shoes. Unlike Sakusa, Atsumu was still not ready by that I mean he only just got out the shower.

He decided that he probably would have to go out with wet hair and slid on the clothes Osamu got for him and head out.

"You ready to go?" Osamu only just approached ready to leave.

"Yup, I'm guessing it's sunas party?" Osamu nodded and they headed to the party.

The wind was blowing lightly, the weather wasn't great for walking but I mean it wasn't that far a walk.

They finally reached the door which you could see the flashing lights coming through, the smell of sweaty teens was strong and the music was blasting.

Instead of knocking they decided to just walk in I mean it's not like anyone would hear if they did knock.

Once they reached the main room Osamu instantly got taken in the crowd

Atsumu was looking to spot a certain player and when he spotted him he almost fainted on the spot (any Sakusa stans👀😩✋) he looked.... Hot?

Atsumu shook his head and continued to where all the drinks were of course most of them were fizzy drinks but there were some drinks that had the smallest bit of alcohol.

As the night went on he got more careless. Yes he only had the smallest bit of alcohol but the party just let him relax that was until he spotted something

Someone was too close to sakusa

Why are they with my soulmate?

Atsumu didn't know whether it was the bit of alcohol he consumed or whether it was the fact he was jealous all he knew is he was going to do something he'd most likely regret.

He walked over to where they were and grabbed Sakusas arm tightly, he headed towards the door ignoring the protests of Sakusa behind him

Until he was a reasonable distance from the party he stopped and Sakusa ripped his hand away from the other

"What do you think you're doing?" His tone seemed shocked and confused

"What was that? Why are you so close to others I thought you hated germs?" Atsumu's tone was harsh

"Are you jealous?" Sakusa laughed lightly

"No I am not!" Atsumu's voice was sharp and serious and sakusa kept laughing which only angered him more not to mention it was raining too

[if you don't like sexual parts in fanfics I would skip the rest of this part]

"Stop laughing or I'll make you" Sakusa raised an eyebrow and decided to test him

He kept laughing and Atsumu was waiting for one thing more to tip him over the edge

"I like seeing you mad-" that was it, the sentence

Atsumu closed the gap between them, their lips met, for a minute they were just stood like that too shocked to move.

He pulled back waiting for a reaction or a possible punch to the face but Sakusa had different plans

He grabbed the side of his face and re connected their lips, they moved in sync and their breathing was unsteady.

In seconds it was getting more deep as they were leaned up against a old tree and the rain was still pouring down their faces

Their bodies were hot and they were both confused on what was going on yet they didn't want to pull away.

"Sakusa-" he pulled away breathing heavily and he could still the strong smell of whatever shampoo Sakusa had used

"I think I should go" Atsumu stood back and began to walk away not turning back to afraid of whatever reaction would come

He continued to walk and walk until he got home and as he closed the door a long sigh followed it

Why did I- do I like that jerk?


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