Chapter nine ;)

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[Atsumu pov]

After reaching our house I heard my phone go off and smiled as soon as I saw who it was.

"Meet me [insert shop location] in about an hour" I then quickly replied with a

"I'll see you then;)" and decided to go in the shower since I know he doesn't like germs.

After that I just shot on a quick hoodie with techwear trousers and headed out with my phone.

As I got closer to the location I started to get nervous, I've never liked the feeling of explaining myself I always seem to mess it up

I finally reached the location and saw Sakusa approaching.

"Hey" I smiled and he seemed to look just as nervous

"So, care to explain?" Trust him to get straight to the point

"Listen It's not like I regret what happened in fact I'm kind of glad it happened-" I cringed at myself and could feel my face turning red

"-i just thought you were only doing it because you were drunk, I mean you didn't seem to care about the germs or that it was me" I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly waiting for any reaction

"I didn't care about the germs because I like you asshole" I laughed lightly at his comment and he stood next to me leaned against the old wall of a local shop

"Wanna come watch a movie?" I turned to face him and he nodded back

We headed back to my place and we're deciding over a movie on the way back. Eventually we decided on Spider-Man because why not?

We finally reached my door and I could see him panic slightly

"I have disinfectant spray don't worry" I smiled and I saw the panic calm Down

I put on the film after disinfecting my room

"Your rooms actually pretty cool" I smirked and got an idea

"Oh yeah? You should come more often then" he turned with the same unemotional face

"Are you trying to flirt?" I laughed lightly at him and turned back to the screen.

After about halfway through the movie I decided to go get us a drink


When I came back into the room I put the glass on the table but the other slipped and spilt all over the desk

"Shit" I quickly got a towel to clean it up and seemed to be doing a good job until I felt a hand wrap around my waist and breathing trailed down my neck.

I turned around forgetting about the drink completely and before I could process anything there was a pair of lips pressed against mine

Our lips moved in sync and I grabbed the back of his neck then asked for entrance which he gladly gave me.

After awhile we pulled back while breathing heavily 

"You okay?" Sakusa nodded back at me

I then re-connected our lips only this time it seemed more desperate than last time, he began to tug on my shirt which was removed shortly after

I don't know what was going on all I knew is I wanted more, I trailed my hands around his waist and pulled him closer and our breathing was increasing

I pulled away and he began kissing down my neck to which I leaned my head back to give him more access

"Sakusa" I managed to breath out his name and removed his shirt while pulling him closer if that was even possible

"This is my revenge" I whispered in his ear deeply then turned pushing him against the desk and re connecting our lips
I was so deep into the kiss I clearly didn't hear the front door open

Or my bedroom door open, I quickly pulled away and turned to face my brother who was extremely shocked

"What did I just see- anyway I'm making food come down if you don't eat each other" I blushed a deep red and we both put our shirts back on.

"Let's continue the movie" he nodded back at me smirking

Looks like I love this jerk

A/n: gosh two chapters in a day I've actually had no sleep and I feel gReAt😀

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