Chapter Four

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I waited impatiently for the last kid to leave. I REALLY needed to use the restroom. I sighed in relief as the final kid left, rushing towards the nearest bathroom I could find. But, where I intended to find relief for my dancing bladder, I found a horrific sight that almost made my knees give out.

Naruto Uzumaki was laying in the last stall, the door half open. His arm was bleeding heavily, and he was half conscious.

"Uzumaki-kun...? Uzumaki-kun!" I screamed, running towards the blonde sophomore. I fell to my knees, lifting his head slightly.

"S'nsei....." He slurred, his watery cerulean eyes searching for me. I hovered over him, tears leaking from my eyes as I looked over his weakened form.

"What have you done to yourself?" I screamed. gathering him into my arms. I grabbed the knife from him, blade first, and gave myself a deep gash in my palm, but at this point, I was too terrified to feel it, much less notice that it had happened.

"S'nsei.....y-your han'......" He slurred as I scooped him into my arms, grabbing a stack of paper towels and rushing out of the restroom. I ran to my room, I had prep this hour.

"I'm more worried about your arm than my hand." I growled, slamming the door quickly with my foot. I swiped everything off my desk with my free arm and laid him down, pulling his arm into my view.

"It.....doesn't......matter....." He murmured almost silently before he closed his eyes. I felt his pulse and it was somewhat steady, but it was decreasing rapidly. I raced to the intercom and waited for the tell-tale buzz.

"How may I help you?" Shizune-Sama called.

"I need a nurse, Uchiha-kun, and Tsunade-Sensei in room 403, NOW! I have a student bleeding profusely and he needs medical care. He's passed out and I'm currently administering minor care." I yelled, cleaning the blood off of his arms and searching frantically for a stray piece of cloth. Luckily, I found an old shirt that I folded in half and pressed against his wounds.

"They're on their way, Hatake-Sensei!" She yelled, sounding frightened herself. Within minutes of cleaning out the wounds with a bit of rubbing alcohol I kept on hand, Uchiha-kun burst in the door.

"Kakashi-sen-- NARUTO!" He screamed, tears already running down his face. He saw the amount of blood and his arm as I cleaned it more thoroughly. "Dammit...Pein and his gang must have caught up with him again. He's already getting a black eye." He muttered through tears before crouching beside Naruto, fishing a water bottle out of his bag. "Naru-chan......please wake up.....don't leave me, gorgeous." He attempted to joke, splashing the cold water on Naruto's face. His eyes fluttered open as Tsunade-Sama and the nurse came in, taking over. They pulled him out of the room on a gurney and rushed him to the infirmary, Sasuke and I close on their heels.

They wouldn't let us in to see him as they began to work on him. We sat there, me comforting a bawling Sasuke, handing him his bright orange paisley handkerchief every once in a while as he blubbered to himself. I rocked on my heels and paced nervously, waiting for the bright, cocky blonde to come bouncing back out of the curtains.

"Pein, Tobi, Deidara...even my older brother, Itachi....they all bully him. That's......that's why he cuts. They attack him verbally and physically until he can't hold himself up because he stopped doing drugs with them. He quit, but they still try to get him to do it, and when he doesn't they beat him. He berates himself and ends up doing this. He's made me promise not to tell on them or him, but I can't let him keep doing this to himself. He...h-he....HE COULD HAVE DIED!" He screamed, explaining the situation. I growled for some reason when he had said that Naruto was being bullied.

"I'll be right back, Uchiha-kun. If he should wake, tell him I'm taking care of something." I muttered, going down to the office. I snatched the P.A from Tsunade-Sama'a desk and turned it on, keeping a straight face. "Would Pein-kun, Tobi-Kun, Deidara-Kun, and Itachi-Kun please come to the office? Pein-Kun, Tobi-Kun, Deidara-Kun, and Itachi-Kun please come to the office. And don't bother trying to ditch. I will hunt you down if need be. That is all." I chirped, clicking the off button and waiting do the four delinquents to show up.

After about ten minutes, the four of them showed up, twitching nervously.

"Yes, Hatake-Sensei?" Deidara-kun smiled, a sickly sweet tone to his voice.

"You four come with me." I growled, leading them to an infirmary. They followed nervously as I showed them to a knocked-out Naruto. His clothes were still covered in blood, and he was still weak. But he would survive. I let out a whoosh of air and decided to let him sleep as I yelled at the bullies who did this.

"You do realize that this is your fault, right?" I said, pointing to bloody and sleeping Naruto. "He has deep scars on his arms because he believed what you had said and done to be true. He even protected you in making YOUR younger brother--" I said, jabbing a malicious finger at Itachi, "--keep his mouth shut!" I growled. "Now, I won't punish you." I said, shrugging. They sighed in relief as a devious smile crossed my face under my scarf. "But he will. He is your saving grace or your ticket to hell. You have one week before sentencing. You better hope he feels merciful, boys." I said, pushing them back out into the hallway and slamming the door in their faces before smiling softly at Uchiha-kun.

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