Chapter Five

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[Ooooooooohhhhhhh! O.O Kakashi is one sick b*stard. What's next? BAM! Different POV! Muahahaha. Love y'all and I'm glad you like my stories. <3 again, my lovesick Shota lovers, best fans ever. Enjoy the next chapter. wolfy out~!]


"You do realize that this is your fault, right?" I heard Kakashi say, pointing to the beaten and bloodied boy that lay beside me. "He has deep scars on his arms because he believed what you had said and done to be true. He even protected you in making YOUR younger brother--" He said, referring to me as he poked Itachi in the chest roughly, "--keep his mouth shut!" His voice was terrifying.

"Now, I won't punish you." My eyes went wide as he said this. I almost got up as I saw the look of relief spread across those idiots' faces. That is, until the gleam returned to Kakashi-Sensei's eye. "But he will. He is your saving grace or your ticket to hell. You have one week before sentencing. You better hope he feels merciful, boys." Sensei said, pointing to a still peaceful Naru-chan before shoving the boys back out and turning to me, a soft light in his eye. A smile spread across my face as he came to sit by the sleeping blonde.

"Thank you, Sensei." I murmured quietly, my hands running through the blonde locks. He nodded quietly at me, his eye following my hand's path through Naruto's hair. He sighed quietly and laid his head on the metal bed rail. I felt the bed shift under my hands as Naruto's beautiful cerulean eyes began to open slowly.

"Sas'ke?....Sensei?" He asked quietly, looking at both of us in turn.

"You're awake!" I cried, hugging him tight to me the minute he sat up. He hugged back and sighed quietly. "You scared the living sh|t out of me, Uzumaki! Sensei called for me and I came in, you were bleeding so much I couldn't tell where it was from! They had to give you three transfusions, you moron!" I screamed in anger. I was terrified. "YPU COULD HAVE DIED!"

"Uchiha-kun...calm, please. He just woke up, let him rest a bit before you start b|t€hi^g him out." Sensei offered, looking at me with an unclear emotion in his soft grey eye.

"Yeah, jeez Sasuke, blow my ear out, why don'cha?" Naruto joked weakly. I chuckled softly, wiping away my tears.

"Sorry, I was worried. Um, y'know-- ah, I'm gonna be back, I think sensei would like to talk to you." I said, leaving the room for a drink break.


I sat in the almost empty room, gazing at the now conscious blonde and trying to figure out how to phrase this.

"Uzumaki-kun.....I spoke to your bullies." I started, observing his face closely. He looked slightly surprised, and very scared.

"O-oh?" He asked quietly, rubbing at his bandaged arm.

"You are going to choose their punishment. I have given you a week to decide, but I want them to know what they did wrong and get a taste of their own medicine by having to be at someone else's mercy, like they have done to you." I explained quietly. His eyes widened, but he slowly nodded.

"I...I guess I can...." He murmured quietly, his cerulean orbs leaking slightly.

"All right. Friday, I give them your verdict." I said quietly, ripping myself away from Naruto before I did something I regret.

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