Chapter Two

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[PLEASE DONT HATE ME!!! I'm so sorry I haven't been on, please don't kill me! JayJay out~!]

"I'm sorry I'm late, I wasn't paying attention to the time." A light tenor voice called from the front of the room. When the commotion had finally died down and the teacher had organized his papers, it was plain to see. His silver hair stuck up in disorderly spikes all across his head. His pale skin-- or what could be seen of it-- was unblemished, and he was very fit. His face, all but one eye, was obscured by a large, bright red scarf. Underneath was a black form fitting long sleeved shirt and black slacks. "My name is Kakashi Hatake, call me Kakashi-Sensei." He chuckled, writing it on the board. Sasuke looked over expectantly. I scribbled a small note in my note book.

Umm, woof.

Told ya

I so call dibs. He's mine.

NUUU! You're mine!

No, I'm his. Hot damn.

Tell me I'm pretty, Naru-chan! I snickered and remembered our little joke.


Whatever, he's probably straight.

I groaned, I bet he was. I turned and began listening to Kakashi-Sensei, who was prattling on about the semester's notes. When I looked up, his one exposed eye was locked on me. A blush spread slowly across my cheeks as he seemed to be boring a hole in my head while continuing with his lesson. I ducked my head and pretended to take notes, glancing over at Sasuke-teme. He seemed to enjoy my discomfort.

"Sensei is staring at youuuu. Maybe he's not straight?" Sasuke whispered under his breath. I shot him a nasty look and darted my eyes down under Kakashi's gaze. Jeez, why is he still staring?

"--ondie-chibi? Blondie-chibi! Hello?" Kakashi-Sensei said, waving towards me. I blushed and looked up, cocking my head and playing it off.

"S'up?" I smirked, leaning back. The class burst out in laughter. Sensei narrowed his visible eye and straightened, clearing his throat.

"I asked you what you knew about the difference between the plant and animal cells?" He asked, smirking. As if I couldn't answer that.

"Well, the main difference is the cell wall on the plant cell, as well as the chloroplasts and larger vacuole on the plant cell." I said, recalling the information from last week. He blinked and nodded. Tch, I paid attention, but I made it seem like I was stupid.

"Correct." He said quietly, his eye still locked on me. "What's your name, Blondie-chibi?" He asked, a crinkle forming by his exposed. Hm, thinking.

"Uzumaki Naruto, Class C." I announced, smirking. Sasuke-teme and I were the only Class C students in AP Bio. Youngest ones. I snickered at Sensei, crossing my arms and leaning back against the wall.

"Well, Uzumaki-kun, why don't you go up and teach the class about plant cells and animal cells?" He said, crossing his arms. I looked up, thinking for a moment.

"Mmkay!" I said, standing up out of my chair and heading to the head of the class. I slipped my reading glasses on and glanced at the open teacher's page, picking up where he left off. I drew a diagram of each one and explained the different organelles, finishing out the class by passing out the neccesary workbook pages and stating the due date. Every once in awhile, Kakashi-Sensei would raise his hand to ask a question, and I answered it flawlessly. This class was just too easy. His eye grew confused, amazed, and.....intrigued. Sasuke-teme just glanced at me, snickering every once in awhile. I actually smacked the front of his lab table, yelling at him to pay attention. I did it for a few people, including reaching in to my bag and waking a kid with my air horn. When the final bell had rang, I went to grab my things. Sasuke-teme had left quickly. As I went to catch up with him, Kakashi-Sensei caught my arm.

"Uzumaki-kun, I'd like to speak to you after school." He said, his voice void of any emotion. I nodded and shrugged.

"All right." I murmured before taking off.

Kami, he was cute!

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