[Haikyu!! X Given] - Backstage Kiss

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With Mafuyu/Uenoyama

"Mafuyu, I like your sound." Uenoyama spoke up suddenly, resting his hands against Mafuyu's guitar.

Mafuyu looked up at Uenoyama, a little surprised by the sudden confession. "I was trying to give you a little push, but before I realized it, you were the one pulling me up." Uenoyama continued, his grip tightening. "Ever since you showed up, my sound's been scattered, disconnected and warped... It's just a mess." Uenoyama trailed off, raising his hand to cover his face.

Mafuyu's mouth opened slightly. Though no words came out. "But I'm having so much more fun now than when I was just playing the chords I was told to play..." Uenoyama trailed off again, rubbing his face slowly. "Damn it. What am I trying to say? I guess I suck at trying to put my feelings into words, too..."

Mafuyu's eyes widened and he let out a little gasp. "Well... We'll talk about this later. It's almost time. Let's go." Uenoyama sighed, handing Mafuyu his guitar. Together, they walked up the steps of the stage and started to get everything ready.

"Looks like they kept the mic up. It's not really in the way, so should we just leave it?" Haruki asked, walking onto the stage with Akihiko. Mafuyu glanced up at it from the ground. "You decided not to sing, right? Or are we going with the 'lalala' strategy?" Haruki asked again. His question was met with silence.

"Mafuyu!" Uenoyama called out, walking up to him. Mafuyu turned in Uenoyama's direction. "Hey, you're staring off into space. Where are you looking?" Uenoyama asked, waving a hand in front of Mafuyu's face. Mafuyu didn't reply.

"Got it all out of your system, Uecchi?" Haruki asked, turning to Uenoyama.

"Yeah, when I accidentally snapped the string..." Uenoyama replied, trailing off.

Haruki and Akihiko glanced at each other, sharing a nod.

I never know how I'm supposed to react... Mafuyu thought. Everyone started preparing their instruments for the performance.

"I mean, there's no point dwelling on the things we can't do right now. Let's just have fun." Haruki decided, looking at Mafuyu. Uenoyama, Haruki and Akihiko all shared a small smile.

Just like how everyone laughs and cries... I just can't do it well. I think I'm really bad at expressing myself, compared to everyone else. But... But in reality, even if I really wanted to... I can't cry properly, and it hurts so bad... It hurts so much that I just want to scream.

The music started in the background.

I always wanted someone to understand that. Even just a little bit...

Mafuyu took a deep breath.

With Hinata/Kageyama

"Come on, Kageyama! We're going to be late!" Hinata called out, pulling Kageyama along. It was a Sunday. Hinata and Kageyama had absolutely no reason to be together today. And yet, here they were. Together.

"I don't even know where we're going! Why is it so early?" Kageyama asked in reply, yawning sleepily.

Hinata stopped, nearly causing Kageyama to crash into him. "What do you mean?! It's the afternoon! We're going to see a concert! You should pay more attention when I talk! Do you just tune out everything I say?!" Hinata huffed indignantly, trying to get Kageyama to pay attention.

"Sorry. Could you repeat that? I wasn't really listening." Kageyama yawned once again, proving Hinata's point.

"Fine! Don't listen to me! See if I care! Just hurry up! You're coming with me whether you like it or not!" Hinata decided angrily, starting down the road again, Kageyama in tow. Hinata was surprisingly obstinate. Kageyama had no choice but to follow.

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