[Assassination Classroom X Death Note] - Will It Work? (Part 2)

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With Nagisa/Karma

"What are we going to do? I'm pretty interested in the Death Note. I'd like to see it in action before Light goes back." Karma asked, leaning against Nagisa's table.

"There's nothing we can do. Unless we find a picture of Ryushi Korogane. Which is impossible." Sugino replied, sighing.

Class 3-E fell into an awkward silence. Everyone was thinking about what they could do with the Death Note. Nothing came to mind. 

"It doesn't matter. We'll just have to kill Koro Sensei by ourselves. Author, Light, I have to ask you to leave. Immediately." Karasuma started, gritting his teeth in annoyance. 

"Hold on. There might be something else." Author replied, waving Karasuma off. 

"Really? What is it?" Karma asked, getting slightly interested once again.

"That's a secret." Author replied, brushing Karma's question off. "I have a slightly different plan in mind. It should work."

Author turned to face Class 3-E. "Right. I'll be borrowing Karma and Nagisa for a while. It wouldn't be Crossovers if I didn't bring anyone from Assassination Classroom."

Karasuma sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Fine. I'll let you off once. Bring both of them back before 3 pm." 

"Alright. Let's go, Nagisa, Karma." Author turned and walked back to Light. "I'll bring this guy back while I'm at it. Thanks, Light." 

"Where are we going?" Karma asked, walking up to Author.

Author turned, a coy smile on her face. 

"You'll just have to wait and see."

With L

"We'll see you tomorrow, L. Thanks for everything."

L waved the detectives off as another day ended. Picking up the plate, L ate another bite of cake, savouring the sweet taste. 

"Time to get back to working..." L muttered, observing the images that flew across the many screens. Kira hadn't been caught yet. Meaning, L's work was far from done.

"Wow. That looks good. Can I have some?" 

"Sure. Here." Light passed the plate in the direction of the voice.


"Who are you?" L asked, turning around. Standing by the door was a girl. She looked liked the average teenager. There was nothing remarkably striking about her at all. If L had seen her out on the streets, he wouldn't have thought twice about her. Except for the fact that she had managed to sneak in.

"I'm Author. Right here are Karma and Nagisa." Author gestured at Karma and Nagisa behind her. 

"Hello." Nagisa greeted, waving politely.

"What's up?" Karma added, tossing a knife into the air and catching it as it fell.

"Ah... Right... Hi..." L greeted in reply, being extremely wary. He had no idea what was going on.

"Alright. I assume you have questions. Ask away." Author started, leaning back against a chair. 

"I do... How did you know?" L asked, picked at the strawberry, watching Author over the remnants of the cake. Author... She seems pretty interesting... L thought to himself, making simple observations.

"Please. Who doesn't have questions? Ask away." Author repeated, rolling her eyes.

"Right. I suppose so. Who are you? What are you doing here? How did you manage to sneak in? What are you going to do?" L asked, ticking things off his fingers. Basic questions.

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