9) Something was definitely wrong

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"What happened back there?" Adrian inquired.

"Just letting him know who's Boss sir" 

"Surely I still need you undercover?"

"a Second officer like me? Alliance with Adrian Cavelli? Please nobody will believe it."

They both smiled as they walked down to the make-shift hospital room. Laying there, without a doubt was Sophie. The harsh light reflected on her porcelain skin, made it seem more supple than ever, her lips were full but bruised and busted on one side. She was attached to a breathing monitor, the bandages wrapped around her head were stained with blood and her face was pulled into a slight smile, one with visible difficulty. The temperature of the room fell by 30 degrees, as Adrian's visage became stern. He didn't break down when seeing her but instead thought about who did this to her, and why? Without speaking to her, he asked for Kevin and Harold to be given access to the room.

The sound of footsteps halted at the door, the sound of breathless sighs filled the air as a tear rolled down Kevin's face. Harold became uneasy and walked into the room, slowly walking over to the bed he slipped his hand between the monitors analysed something then walked back over to Kevin. Adrian had his eyes glued on Sophie's hands. The ring finger in particular. There was something unusual but he was unable to comprehend even half of his thoughts. He now understood the tone the First officer had used. For Sophie as an actor, cases like this meant high publicity plus it was harder to conceal. If Adrian wanted to prove he didn't do this, he would need help. Something he hated to ask for.

Kevin watched Adrian closely and called Riya immediately. Something was definitely wrong. Adrian seemed to be skeptical and so Kevin remained on high alert. Within five minutes, Riya walked in. She too watched Adrian warily and began to analyse the person in front of her.
She looked at Kevin for confirmation, to which he silently nodded. With rage Riya shook Adrian violently demanding answers.
"I know you didn't love her but how dare you treat her like this!" She began. "You monster, all because she stayed at my place without your consent!"
Adrian locked eyes with Riya and within that moment the seed had been planted. With mutual understanding they played on blaming each other for the irretrievable breakdown Sophie and Adrian had faced.

By the doorway, Harold took a step closer to Kevin and in a hushed tone, whispered;
"I'm confused."
"Harold I assure you now is not the time for your limited brain capacity."
"No Kev, I found this on the side of the bed" In his hand lay resting a small microphone chip. It looked like it had been dismantled but definitely suspicious.
"Harold, what else did you find?"
"A smaller camera, but it seemed to be recording and streaming live so I decided not to show them I knew. So I left it."
"And can you tell me anything else?"
"Well it definitely isn't one the police use, it was one of the most expensive tech I've only seen in magazine."
"Hmm" Kevin walked away quite unsure of the man they had just picked up, but relatively grateful for his knowledge.
"No thank you! No good job? No.." Kevin turned around swiftly, looked him up and down, then left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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