Moving On

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 Thunder echoed, as lightning lit up the night sky, the rain fell heavily. He starred out the window at the raging storm, a smile on his face. He turned from the window and went to his desk, he sat down and poured himself a drink. After drinking half of it, he opened the only locked drawer in his desk and pulled out a large file, putting it on his desk in front of him. He opened it and began looking at the many pictures that were inside, a look of hatred and disgust on his face. All the pictures were of the same three men, three men he, hate wasn't strong enough, he despised all three! They had stopped him from getting what he wanted, and no one denied him anything! He promised them he'd be back to finish what he started, and this time he would get it, nothing would stop him! He stood up, and taking his drink with him he went to the window and as thunder sounded again he took a sip of  his drink, before he spoke to himself smiling.

 "Ready or not boys, here I come!"

**Miles Away**: 

 The sun slowly began to rise in the sky, signalling the start of a new day. In a hotel room Dean Ambrose sat on the couch starring out the window as he rubbed his stiff, left shoulder. He had been up for hours, which was nothing new for him, it had become his routine; sleep for a few hours, have a nightmare, wake up and stay awake for the rest of the night unable to go back to sleep. Of course this was his secret routine, he told no one; including his stablemates in The Shield, his boyfriend of almost five years Seth Rollins, and their best Roman Reigns. Dean loved them both, which was why he didn't tell them, knowing how worried they'd get over stupid, little dreams! Suddenly, he was pulled from his thoughts by Seth coming and joining him on the couch, sitting between Dean's legs. Once comfortable he kissed Dean before he laid his head on Dean's chest, wrapping both arms around his waist, Dean's arms wrapped around Seth holding him close as he spoke.

 "Morning baby boy!" Dean said smiling as he tried to hide a yawn.

 "Morning babe! And I saw that!" Seth said smiling as he sat up.

 "Saw what?" Roman asked smiling as he joined them sitting in a chair across from them.

 "Dean yawned." Seth answered, Dean sighed rubbing a hand over his face.

 "Did you get any sleep D?" Roman asked.

 "Yes, mom and dad! I got some sleep!" Dean answered.

 "How much?" Seth asked.

 "Some...okay?" Dean answered again, knowing what was coming next.

 "You need to sleep man! This is the third time this week you haven't slept! Maybe you're pushing yourself too hard? It's only been a few..."

 "Don't finish that sentence Rome!" Dean said frustrated cutting Roman off.

 "We're just worried about you Dean, that's all." Seth explained.

 "I'm fine, okay?" Dean said untangling himself from Seth, before he got up wincing from the movement to his shoulder.

 "You winced!" Seth pointed out.

 "What? No, I didn't!" Dean said.

 "He winced, didn't he Rome?"

 "You winced!" Rome agreed.

 "Great! Now you're ganging up on me?"

 "Dean, we just don't want you to push yourself! We're worried about you!" Roman said gently.

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