Two Down, One To Go

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 Before they could do or say anything the man hit Dean in the head hard with something, causing him to fall to the floor unconscious. Roman was too stunned to do anything at first, he quickly came back to reality, before he could attack the man pointed a gun at Dean, cocking it as he smiled starring at Roman.

 "Hello Roman."

 "King!" Roman said angrily, his fists and jaw clenched.

 "It's nice to see Deanie again, he's healed nicely I see!"

 "You stupid piece of shit!" Roman said.

 "Wow, you're not much for words huh big man?" King mocked. "Now, I see why you let Deanie and Sethie do all the talking!"

 "I don't need to talk, I let my fists do the talking for me!" Roman answered.

 "I guess I'm supposed to be shaking with fear right about now huh?"

 "Why are you here? Where the hell is Seth?" Roman demanded.

 "Seth is alive, in fact big man, you're going to be reunited with baby brother!"

 "What are you talking about?" Roman asked, the loaded gun pointed at Dean was making very nervous.

 "Put your shoes on, we're going for a little car ride!" King answered.

 "The hell I' am!" Roman refused.

 "You see, my little friend here says otherwise Romie!" King said smiling. "If you don't come with me I'll shoot Deanie!"

 "You're bluffing little man!" Roman challenged.

 "Have it your way!" King said turning back to Dean, he went to pull the trigger.

 "NO!" Roman yelled. "I'll come with you!"

 "Good choice!" King said as Roman put his shoes on. "I'll see you soon Deanie, real soon!" He said before they left.


 His head pounded, and there was an annoying beeping noise. He lay in bed...wait! How did he end up back in bed? His head felt heavy, everything was fuzzy, almost like trying to remember a dream after you woke up. He reached up and touched his forehead, wincing from the contact, what the hell happened? And what the hell was that damn beeping? He slowly opened his eyes blinking a few times to bring everything into focus, as his eyes adjusted he realized he was in the hospital. He was even more confused than ever, he reached up and touched the stitches in his head.

 "What the hell...ROMAN!" Dean yelled as everything suddenly came rushing back to him.

 Someone had burst into their room, and hit him with something knocking him out, he needed to find Roman, he needed to know he was okay! He sat up quickly ignoring the dizziness, and quickly began removing all the wires from his body which set off alarms. Seconds later a male doctor, and Detectives Brooks and Carter rushed into the room, and began trying to calm him down.

 "Mr. Ambrose, stop please! You'll hurt yourself!" The young doctor said trying to stop Dean.

 "Get your damn hands off me!" Dean yelled pushing the doctor off him.

 "Dean, stop!" Detective Carter said firmly, Dean did and looked at the Detectives.

 "Where's Roman?" Dean asked looking back and forth between the Detectives.

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