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 After leaving the room Dean headed to the elevators almost leaving without his undercover, but he caught up with Dean before the elevator door closed. In no mood to talk after what happened, Dean told him he was going to the nearest gym that was open to work out. He said nothing else on the way to the cars, and listened as his undercover told his partners where they were going. They got into their cars and began driving around looking for a gym, 15 minutes later they found one and went inside. Dean began to work out wanting to sweat out all his anger before he said or did something to Seth and Roman he'd regret. A couple hours later he was using the punching bag when he saw Seth, Roman and their undercovers come in. He rolled his eyes as he continued punching the bag, Seth and Roman joined him, he ignored them as he beat the hell out of the bag.

 "You should pick on someone your own size!" Seth said smiling sadly, Dean continued to ignore them.

 "I guess you're not talking to us huh?" Roman added, as Dean stopped and walked to the locker room taking the tape off his hands as he did still ignoring them.

 "You have to talk to us sometime Dean!" Seth said as they followed him.

 "Dean, would you just stop and talk to us please?" Roman said grabbing his arm, Dean pulled his arm away roughly.

 "You want to talk, fine let's talk!" Dean said still upset as they went into the locker room. "You two had no right to go through my phone!"

 "Dean, we were...are worried about you!" Seth said.

 "Then talk to me! Ask me what's wrong, don't snoop through my shit!" Dean said upset throwing his tape into the garbage. "I thought we trusted each other?"

 "So did we." Seth began quietly. "You're right Dean, I never should have gone through your phone. I'm sorry."

 "Me too." Roman added gently.

 "Thank you!" Dean said.

 "I'm not finished Dean, you should never have given me a reason to! We made a pact to never keep secrets from each other, and you kept a huge one from us!" Seth said gently, as Dean starred at the floor. 

 "Dean, look we get it man, we really do! We hate this too, but King's after you and he's put you in the hospital once, next time he might..." Roman trailed off unable to think of Dean dead, let alone say it out loud, Seth closed his eyes feeling the same and turned his head. "We don't want to lose you Dean!"

 "Come here you two mushy fools!" Dean said smiling as he sighed pulling both men into a hug. "I'm sorry too. Don't you two ever get tired of being right?" Dean asked once the hug ended as he nudged both men lightly.

 "I don't! What about you Rome?" Seth answered smiling.

 "Nope!" Roman answered as they all laughed.

 "Seriously though, I really am sorry! I just...want this to end, I'm tired of feeling like a victim!" Dean said quietly.

 "King won't touch you again D, we promise! He'll make a mistake, and when he does he'll be put away for the rest of his worthless life!" Roman said.

 "I hope you're right Ro, I really do!" Dean said as they hugged again.

 "Come on, let's go back to the hotel and get some sleep." Seth suggested.

**Days Later**:

 Days past and they were back in the town all of this started in, Dean had called Detectives Brooks and Carter once they landed telling them about King's texts and they had their best officers meet them at the airport. Once at the hotel, the Detectives came to see them to talk about what to do and to see the texts. After they left Dean couldn't hide his nervousness about being back in the town his beat-down took place in, he tried to act like it didn't bother him, but was failing miserably. They were in town for two days and it made him even more nervous, he hadn't stopped fidgeting since they boarded the plane to come here. Finally unable to watch him suffer any longer Seth and Roman suggested they go work out, Dean reluctantly agreed. They had just gotten their stuff together when someone knocked on their door.

 "I got it!" Seth said smiling as he went to the door.

 "Hey Seth!" Hunter greeted him when the door was opened. "Hey Dean, Roman!"

 "Hunter, what's up? We in trouble?" Dean asked all of them smiling.

 "No, I wanted to talk to Seth about his match tonight. I needed to go over a few things with him before showtime, we made a couple of changes to it." Hunter explained.

 "Are we good?" Dean asked pointing at Roman and himself.

 "Yeah, your tag match against the Uso's is still on, and you both are still accompanying Seth for his."

 "Cool, so why don't you guys go start and I'll catch up with you when I'm done?" Seth suggested.

 "It'll only take 15 minutes." Hunter added.

 "Alright, see you soon Two-Tones!" Dean said kissing Seth before Dean and Roman left. 


 He sat in his car waiting for any movement from the undercovers, which signalled the men would be on the move. He had been sitting there for an hour watching through binoculars as the three cops wandered around keeping an eye out for him. Finally one of the cops began talking on his cell, he talked for a few seconds before hanging up and he filled the other two in on what was said. A few seconds later he watched as two of his prey came outside, he was curious where the third was, maybe he was just running slow? It became obvious they were leaving without him, when his prey and their undercovers went to their cars, got in and drove away. He laughed to himself, they were making this too easy for him, he almost felt sorry for him! After waiting five minutes the cop went to his car and got in, smiling he got out of his own car and walked up to the undercover. Smiling he knocked on the window and the undercover rolled it down, looking and sounding non-threatening he spoke.

 "Excuse me, are you an officer?" He asked.

 "I' am, do you need help?" The officer asked.

 "I do actually!" He answered as he pulled out his gun, complete with silencer and shot the officer three times, killing him instantly with the first shot. "Thank you officer, you've been a great help!"


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