Brothers Reunited

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**One Week Later**:

 Dean lay on the couch in Detective Brooks and Carter's office, starring at the ceiling. It had been a week since both Seth and Roman were taken, and he was truly broken; he had thought he had been when King forced him to end things with them, but that was nothing compared to this! He knew King was out there nearby, enjoying watching Dean fall apart, Dean couldn't see him, but he could feel his beady eyes on him all the time! He split his time between the hotel and the police station, he wasn't left alone for even a second; either undercovers or both Detectives were always with him. His heart physically hurt being away from Seth and Roman, and his emotions were everywhere changing with every second that past. The Detectives had left him alone in their office, while they went to do whatever it was they do, as he lay there thinking of ways he could torture King, his phone vibrated in his pocket. He took it out sighing thinking it was one of the Detectives, he sat up quickly when he read the words on the screen, anger flooding his veins.

  K: Dean, I think it's time we talk?

  D: You're a dead man!

  K: Is that anyway to talk to an old friend?

  D: Where are Seth and Roman?

  K: Alive...for now! If you want them back meet me at this address in 20 minutes! Alone!

  D: I'm on my way!

  K: See you soon Deanie!

 Dean put his phone away as he stood heading for the door, he stopped realizing he had no car, he began to pace when he spotted the Detectives car keys sitting on Brooks' desk. He stopped pacing and stood in front of the desk biting his nails as he starred at the keys. No, he couldn't...could he? Screw it, he'll deal with the consequences later, right now all that mattered was getting Seth and Roman back! He grabbed the keys and headed for the door, he pulled the hood up on his hoodie before he opened the door checking to see if anyone was around. Seeing no one he quickly snuck to the front doors, he made it outside and ran to the car. He got in and drove away, thoughts of beating King's ugly face in filled his head as he raced to the address King had sent him.

 He arrived and got out, leaving the door open as he walked around calling to King telling him he was here and to come out of hiding. As Dean turned to face the car he never noticed the smiling figure come out of the trees behind him, until it was too late! He was hit from behind and fell to the ground hitting his head knocking him out.

**With The Detectives**:

 After dealing with another dead-end, Detectives Brooks and Carter decided to take Dean back to the hotel, it was late. They got back to their office and went inside to tell Dean when they suddenly realized he wasn't there. They rushed out of the room splitting up and began looking for him, after being unable to find him they rushed back to their office to get their keys.

 "Where are the keys?" Carter asked.

 "On my desk." Brooks answered.

 "They're gone! It's no coincidence Ambrose is missing and so are our keys!" Carter said.

 "That's perfect!" Brooks said smiling.

 "What? How is Dean taking our car perfect?" Carter asked confused.

 "Our car has GPS!" Brooks reminded him.

 "You're right, it is perfect! Come on, let's go see if Ben can track where our runaway Lunatic went!"

 A half hour later with back-up the Detectives were driving to where the car's GPS said it was, both hoped Dean hadn't done anything stupid like sneaking off to meet King! They hoped he had just needed space to think, and he'd be waiting with the car. When they arrived they saw the car parked, it's headlights on and the door still open, that was never a good sign! They got out and raced to the car calling Dean's name, but got no response, they ordered the other officers to split up and search for him. Brooks began looking around, while Carter searched the car, suddenly in the headlights Brooks spotted something on the ground.

 "Carter, I got something!" He yelled as he knelt.

 "What is it?" Carter asked joining him.

 "Blood!" He answered pointing to the small spot on the ground. "It's not a lot, but someone's hurt. That's not all though, look!"

 "Footprints, and...tire tracks! Dammit Ambrose!" Carter said as they realized King had Dean now too.

 "Okay, let's get a team out here to process. We're going back to the station to find this bastard dammit!" Brooks said pulling out his phone.

 "Let's bring those boys home!" Carter added angrily.

**With The Guys**:

 It had been an hour since King left, Roman turned his sore head to look at Seth, he had been quiet since King left. Roman knew he was in bad shape from the constant beatings King gave them, but he also knew Seth was in worse shape. Before King had left he had set another chair up, this time between them, and they both knew he was going after Dean! They both knew what King was capable of, but they also knew what Dean was capable of, and that made them both smile; knowing that when it came down to it, no one out crazied their Unstable, Lunatic Fringe! When they heard King return, they looked at each other neither speaking as they heard him moving around the house. When he didn't come into the room or sound like he was dragging anything they smiled. A few minutes later the door was unlocked and King came in alone, he went to the table to get something, but stopped seeing them smiling.

 "What the hell do you two idiots have to smile about?" He asked confused, neither answered. "I think all those hits to your heads must have screwed with your brains!"

 "We're smiling because you failed!" Roman answered, Seth agreed. 

 "You failed King! You didn't get Dean!" Seth added.

 "You think I failed?" King said laughing. "Well, I guess I should go bring the guest of honor in huh boys?" He said smiling as he left the room.

 Seconds later he returned dragging a bleeding, unconscious Dean into the room, he put him in the chair and tied him up.

 "DEAN!" Seth and Roman yelled together.

 "Surprise!" King said smiling.

 "What the hell did you do to him you twisted freak?" Seth demanded.

 "Oh, relax pretty boy! He just has a little bump on his head." King answered.

 "What are you going to do now that you have all of us? Kill us?" Roman demanded.

 "Hmm...eventually, yes! For now though, I still want my revenge!"


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