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**With The Guys**:

 The room was quiet as each man struggled to remain strong after the constant beatings King gave them. Dean's guilt only grew stronger, instead of going away like he had told Seth and Roman. Somehow he had to convince King to let them go and keep him, he knew neither would like or agree with it, but he didn't give a damn! As Dean was lost in his head he began to play with the ropes around his wrists and realized they were coming lose and he could move his hands, but not free them. That's when it hit him...he had a knife in his back pocket, if one of the guys could reach it and give it to him he could cut the ropes and then free Seth and Roman!

 "Guys, I have a plan!" Dean said smiling.

 "What?" Seth asked.

 "I have a knife in my back pocket, I started carrying it after King escaped. If I move my chair one of you grab the knife and give it to me, I'll cut my ropes then free you!" Dean explained.

 " had a knife, this entire time?" Roman said upset.

 "I forgot about it alright! I'm sorry!" Dean said annoyed Roman was angry. "It's not like I could think clearly with getting my head beat in every 10 minutes!" Dean yelled.

 "I'm sorry D, I..."

 "Let's just concentrate on getting out of here!" Dean said cutting Roman off.

 "So, what are we doing?" Seth asked.

 "Which one of you can move their hands enough to grab something?" Dean asked as they both tried.

 "I can!" Roman answered.

 "Alright, I'm going to move myself into position behind you, then you reach into my right pocket and pull out my knife. Once you have it, give it to me then I'll get free and I'll cut you guys free too!" Dean explained.

 "Got it!" Roman answered. "Dean?"

 "Yeah Rome?"

 "I meant it when I said I was sorry." Roman said gently looking into Dean's eyes.

 "I know Rome." Dean answered quietly. "Ready?"


 "Okay, here goes!" Dean said as he began to slide his chair backwards.

 After a half hour of struggling to get into position, and one heart-stopping moment when Dean's chair almost fell over, he was finally behind Roman. It took a couple of minutes and Dean had to lean forward a bit, but soon Roman felt the knife. At first Roman couldn't reach it, but he tipped his chair back and managed to get the knife between two of his fingers. He then pulled it out and started handing it to Dean, Dean almost had it when they heard the lock turning. All three froze as the door opened and King walked in as Roman dropped the knife into Dean's hands, unsure if he caught it.

 "Well, well, well! What do we have here huh?" King asked smiling as he walked towards Dean, he was standing in front of him, Seth and Roman couldn't see anything and it made them nervous. "You wouldn't be trying to untie the big hound would Deanie?"

 "You caught me King! What are you going to do? Put me in time-out?" Dean asked smirking.

 "That sarcastic little mouth of yours always gets you into trouble!" King said punching him in the face twice. "Let's put you back, I want you to see the trouble your mouth got your precious boyfriend and brother into!" King said as he drug Dean's chair back to it's place turning it around.

 "You okay Dean?" Roman asked, Dean nodded and winked.

 "I'm fine." He answered as he used his fingers to look for the switch on his knife, he found it and coughed to cover any noise it made opening.

 "Well, gentlemen I think it's time for another lesson in learning to not piss me off!" King said smiling, not noticing that Dean was cutting through his ropes. "I think I'll start with the big hound first and work my way down!"

 "Big words from a little man!" Roman mocked purposely drawing King's attention away from Dean.

 King took the bait and Dean worked fast trying to cut the ropes, finally he did, but needed an excuse to cut the ropes off his feet without King noticing.

 "That the best you got King?" Dean yelled. "Show me what you've got! You probably couldn't even knock me on my ass while I'm tied to a damn chair!" Dean mocked.

 "Is that a challenge pretty boy?" King asked looking at him.


 "Challenge accepted!" King said as he punched Dean repeatedly, with Dean taunting him, until he finally fell back.

 While Seth and Roman distracted King, Dean lay on his back trying to get rid of the fuzziness in his  head from not only the hits, but also the fall. A few seconds later Dean began cutting his feet free, once the ropes were off he got up careful not to be seen by King and crawled around behind Roman. His original plan had been to cut Roman free, but at the last second he changed his mind and got up to attack King. Somehow King had seen him and when he was just steps away King pulled a gun out and pointed it at Seth, Dean froze instantly.

 "I don't know whether what you did was heroic, or just plain stupid Deanie! It doesn't matter either way, what does matter though is that you're going to hand over that knife!" King said smiling locking eyes with Dean.

 "Alright, I'll drop the knife, just...just don't hurt them please!" Dean begged.

 "I love hearing you beg Ambrose! Now, drop the knife and kick it away from you and if you try anything, I put a bullet in Sethie-boy's pretty little head!" King ordered cocking his gun.

 "Okay, okay!" Dean said as he did what he was told.

 "Hmm...seems like I have a bit of a situation here!" King said smiling. "You know Dean, I've been thinking. Not all of you need to die...what fun would that be for me? So, I've come up with a new plan!"

 "What are you talking about King?" Dean demanded.

 "I'm going to kill one of you pretty boys, and let the others live! There's one small catch though...Dean chooses who dies and who lives!"

 "What?" All three say together shocked.

 "That's right Deanie, you choose! Is it going to be Roman; your big brother and best friend? Or is it Seth; your boyfriend and soul-mate? Boy, that's a tough choice...glad I don't need to make it!" King said laughing.

 "Don't make me choose!" Dean begged as he looked at both Seth and Roman tears in all three of their eyes. "I...I can't! Please, don't make me do this!"

 "You can only pick one Dean! Now pick dammit!" King yelled pointing the gun back and forth between Seth and Roman. "CHOOSE!"

 "I can't!" Dean yelled back.

 "Then I'll kill both of them!" King said pointing his gun at Roman.

 "NO! WAIT!" Dean yelled stopping him. "I'll choose, you bastard, I'll choose!"

 "Choose!" King ordered.

 "Roman, Seth...I'm so sorry! I love you both!" Dean said his tears falling silently.

 "DEAN NO!" Seth yelled his tears falling too, suddenly realizing what Dean was going to do.

 "DEAN DON'T DO IT!" Roman yelled as his tears fell, he also knew what Dean was going to do.

 "I have to! I love you guys so much, I'm so sorry!" Dean said again as he charged King.


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