
19 1 1

Night fell, and I'm still at the top of the treehouse. It's freezing and I've already gotten three mosquito bites up here.

As miserable as I am right now, going back down and facing everyone sounds worse. After Gally left, Chuck came to stay with me, then left before sundown, he was hungry and once Frypan cleans up, there's no more trying to find food.

Me, I can't eat. Everything makes me nauseous right now, even thinking.

So I take a deep breath. Let's get this over with I think. I rub my eyes, now feeling sleepiness creep in, and I scoot over to climb down the treehouse.

Once I reach the ground, I can barely see a thing, so I follow the lights from the torches at the homestead in the distance.

I'm not sure how much time passed by, but everyone's ate dinner and everything is quiet. As I walk across the field, the only thing I hear is the sound of my feet dragging across the grass. Oh, and a few crickets.

That was until I hear a loud crash that makes me jump, my head shoots toward the noise. Oh, it's just the walls shifting again. Nothing I don't hear every single night.

As I reach the homestead, I can start to hear a few snores. Especially Alby's who's snore can be heard from even outside the walls, I'm sure.

Everyone's already sleeping? Have I really been gone THAT long?

I'm getting sleepier, so I head toward my hammock.

I'm trying my best to navigate through the dark as there is only ever one torch on while we sleep, a torch the boys stuck through the middle of a pot of water so we don't cause a fire while everyone is sleeping.

I keep walking forward, lifting my feet high so I don't trip on something, and I fail.

Next thing I knew, my hands flew in front of me and my knee painfully hit a rock below me.

"Ugh!" I groan loudly, rolling onto my back.

"Shit!" I hear and I quickly sit up. My eyes adjust and I see a boy, laying across the grass, his head was resting on a pile of clothes intended to be a pillow.

"I'm sorry, I-" I begin and I'm interrupted.

"Teresa?" It's his voice. It's him.

By now, my eyes adjust and I can see his face clearly in the blue moonlight.

"Um...I'm-" I scramble to my feet, "I'm sorry, I-"

"Are you okay?" He gets up quickly as well, "Are you hurt?" His eyes are wide, he looks genuinely concerned.

"I'm fine...sorry" I mumble my apology and turn to leave quickly and I flinch when I feel him grab my hand.

"Teresa wait-" I look back and down at his hand grabbing mine. I almost pull away, but I don't. I don't know why, but I don't.

He notices me looking down at our hands and he slowly lets go.

"Teresa, please talk to me. I been trying to talk to you all day." He pleads.

I take a second before I open my mouth to speak, "Okay." I say plainly and he gives me a small smile.

"Tomorrow." I say and his smile fades, "Please. I'm drained and right now I just need some sleep."

He seems discontent but he nods softly, "Okay."

I say nothing and turn to walk away. As I'm walking, I realize, was he sleeping on the grass?

I stop in my tracks and sigh at my inability to not care for other people, even ones who might give me a heart attack.

I turn back around and walk back. When I reach him, he's already laying on the grass and he looks up at me.

I simply say, "Follow me." And he takes no time in scrambling to his feet and follows me.

By now, my eyes are adjusted to the dark and I find my way through the hammocks, careful not to run into any of the sleeping boys. I remember there being an empty hammock set up by Newt, and I guide Thomas.

"You can sleep here." I tell him and he smiles.

"Thank you."

I look up at him, his smile is comforting. His eyes are soft, innocent. For the first time since I last saw him, I feel calm. He is standing right in front of me and for some reason, everything I have been feeling all day is...gone. It's as if someone was puppeteering my emotions. As if I can't control them.

I have been avoiding him all day, terrified of facing him, and now. I cant seem to remember why I was afraid in the first place.

It takes me a minute to realize I am staring at his face, we are just standing there, him doing the same. The way he is looking at me is as if he were looking at a picture of someone he missed.

And for some reason, it isn't awkward, nor uncomfortable. We are just....there.
At least until I interrupt.

"Goodnight." I say and quickly walk away, not looking back again.

I find my hammock and quickly roll myself up in it, covering my face with my blanket. I'm mentally praying he doesn't come back and try to talk to me.

And after a while, it seems like he won't. And I breathe.

I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep, but to my surprise, sleep washes over me easily. And I drift off, with his face in my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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