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Hello, thank you for reading my story. I am so exited to share my vision of The Maze Runner with all of you. In this story, Teresa arrives before Thomas though. This is a love story involving three amazing characters: Teresa, Thomas, and Minho. All rights go to the original author, our brilliant hero- James Dashner. I love you already, I hope you enjoy! Please comment and favorite so I gain more and more inspiration everyday! And always remember-

Wicked is good.



Teresa. That was my name. I had arrived through the box, just like everyone else. It affected all the boys in different manners, of course. The day I arrived occured nine months ago. I was out of consciousness when I was taken out of the box, later to be woken by Alby, the man who makes sure we all retain order. In my hand, I clenched a note they later showed me, quoting "She's the last one. EVER." and to its appearance, it was no lie.

Nine months since I arrived, no one else came up the box but supplies. The first few months were a struggle between me and the majority of the boys who accepted the whole situation. It may have taken a while, but in the end, they all got used to me. I was placed to work as a Med-Jack due to the fact that I nearly burned down the kitchen on my fifth day. And they figured being a girl, I should be good at care and hospitality.

I am Teresa, and this is my story in the Maze.

The First, Last Trigger -The Maze Runner's Base-Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ