Fire for the Night

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I watched as the walls closed, and the skies got dark. All the guys gathered, ready for the dedicatory fire we have once every two months. Its pretty much a celebration of all the hard work we put into the Glade day after day. Dedication. Sweat. Determination. They've worked hard for it. Alby knows that better than anyone.

Chuck had picked out a small, darker spot for us to hang out at. We layed down a blanket on the floor, next to a tree stump and a few bushes. "Light 'em up!" Alby yells and there is a large ball of flame reaching for the skies, all the guys hollaring at the fire, punching their fists into the air. Our small dedication section of the Glade is lit up by the chatter of the gladers and the anticipation of their celebration.

"Hey Chuck, would you mind getting me s'more of Gally's wierd drink. Its sort of interesting." I tell him and he rolls his eyes through the fire lighting up his chubby face, "How can you drink that anyway. It tastes like klunk." he says and I laugh.

"I dont know, be a darling, yes?" I plead dramatically.
"Whatever." he says, walking off.

It feels amazing to be surrounded by so many people who look out for eachother. Who work hard, together, to accomplish everything they can. Sometimes I wonder what its like talking to a girl though. If they acted like me. Or if I've started acting like these shanks by now. Oh, man.

"Why you hiding, darling?" I head a voice behind me and my head turns to see Minho taking a seat next to me.
"Hiding? I have a great view." I say and he raises his eyebrows, glancing at the fire dramatically.
"AMAZING view." he says and I laugh.

"Whatever. Chuck wanted to sit here. You know he's shy, in a way." I explain.

"Or he has a little boy crush on you." Minho pushes and I glare at him.
"Kidding, Im kidding." he laughs, holding his hands up in defense.

"Poor kid. I wish Newt would give him an upgrade from being a Slopper. How would you like to clean klunk piles and food leftovers everyday?" I say.

"Well, we could always make him a runner. Not sure he'll survive the first right turn in the maze but its worth a shot." Minho says and I refrain from laughing.
"Thats not funny." I say, struggling.

"You wouldnt be laughing." he says and I slip a small laugh.
"Okay, okay." I say and look over to him as he was already doing the same. He didnt say anything and simply mainatined eye contact.

"Why do you do that?" I ask him.


"Look at me like that. You stop talking out of nowhere."

"Honestly because youre beautiful. Incredibly beautiful." he says and I smile, glancing at the fire.
"I am? I wouldnt know anyway, its not like the Creators send us mirrors." I laugh quietly. That memory. The blue eyes. I remembered blue eyes. It was a blur but it was there.

He opened his mouth to speak but I quickly interject,
"Minho, what color are my eyes?"
"What? Oh, theyre blue. VERY blue." he smiles as I do as well.

"I just had a small memory, I had to ask you.." I say quietly and look towards the fire. I examine all the guys and it doesnt take long for me to notice Chuck sitting next to Frypan on a few rocks, chatting away.

I furrow my brows for an instant and suddenly I feel a hand gently pull my cheek in the opposite direction. I only caught a glimpse of Minho's face and then he pressed his lips onto mine. My eyes widened for a second then shot closed. I was taken by surprise, though soon enough, our lips began moving in sync. My breathing gets heavier although the kiss is soft, careful. He cups my face in his hands to keep me in place and I slowly attempt to slide my hand up his arm.

He then pulls away slowly and we both struggle to catch our breaths.
"Ive been wanting to do that forever." he says and I smile.
"When I saw you, that day... the box... it was instant. There was something about you. I knew it, I couldnt tell anyone. They would gang up on me and ask too many questions. It was easier to keep quiet." he explained.
I opened my mouth to speak, though I couldnt say anything. Didnt know what to say. So I kissed him. I kissed him again. Because I wanted to. Needed to. And he did as well.

"Minho." We both jumped, our heads snapping towards the voice to see Frypan towering over us. Minho began to speak though Frypan interjected.

"Shut up. We need to talk. Now." he says and glares at me. "What the hell Teresa?" he asks in disappointment and I am rendered speechless. I couldnt defend this.
"Hey, she had nothing to-" Minho began but got cutt off.

"Minho, shut up. Youre lucky enough I dont go telling Alby what the shuck you two were doing." Frypan says. And with that, Minho sends me an apologetic glance before walking off with Frypan behind him.
"You and I are talking tomorrow." Frypan tells me as he's walking away.

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