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Harry was walking happily along the corridor with Liam on his tail, Liam followed Harry along the corridor silently grumbling his plans to murder Harry in his sleep.  One bonding class couldn't be that bad, it's not as if they're going to show him his greatest fears or try to eat him. Oh how wrong was he.

They arrived at what seemed to be a gym. It had a clear deep pool in a separate room attached. A high looking wobbly bridge. A door leading off to a sort of biosphere. And some other things. Liam was confused but as long as he didn't have to go up there or go in the pool he was fine.

"Everybody. Listen, alphas you are going to sit on the stools, omegas, kneel next to your alpha properly. I'll take attendance once everybody is properly situated" a man who he assumes was the teacher boomed. "Why do I have to kneel" Liam whined, "it's a sign of submission, don't worry you'll get used to it" Harry explained calmly. Liam hesitantly kneeled next to Harry as Harry sat in his seat. Groaning at his knees. "Ok registration time. Shout here.
Barry Allen
Blaine Anderson
Colby brock
Nick Duval
Sam evans
Sam Golbach
Klaus Hargreaves
Niall Horan
Kurt Hummel
Zayn Malik
Liam Payne
Sebastian Smythe
Jeff Sterling
Harry styles
Louis Tomlinson

All the names were followed by a here, the teacher ticking off names as he went. "So, for those of you who don't know, this class works on your bonding with your alpha. It brings out your fear and let's your alpha help you through it. And it allows you to discover each other. This class takes place twice a week on a Tuesday. heights, 73 percent of the omega population are fearful of heights. So naturally, some of you are going to despise me because I'm making you go all the way up there, you'll have your alpha as your only source of comfort. Safety harnesses are at the bottom. And your alpha will clip you into them, do not push anyone or you will be taken off and banned from the class" he said with pure boredom dripping from his voice.

"No" Liam said to Harry, "yes Liam, or isn't optional" Harry replied starting to get bored of Liam's attitude. "Or what Styles" Liam commented back rudely, "or I'll punish you" Harry said in a warning tone. "What you gunna do, spank me" Liam chuckles, "yes actually" Harry says back still strong. Liam needed Harry to be strict for this to work, Liam's parents signed a contract saying Harry could use any amount of reasonable force to make Liam submit. "You can't, it's abuse" Liam says smugly, "actually, your mum gave me consent to do it so, let's do this. I get that you're sca-" "I'm not scared I just don't want to" Liam cut him off not wanting Harry to know his fears. "Liam you can either do this the easy way or the hard way. I'm this close to using my alpha voice" Harry warned. "Fine" Liam agreed not wanting Harry to use his alpha voice, Liam didn't like the effect the alpha voice had on him. Harry put Liam's harness on him, not missing the blush on Liam's cheeks when Harry pressed up against his back to clip them together, a half rope connected them by their harnesses. They were asked if they were ready and Liam so wanted to say no, everyone was watching as it was one couple at a time. "3..2..1" and suddenly Harry and Liam were hoisted up high in the air by the harness. And they landed on a shaky platform. Liam started shaking as he saw the wobbly bridge ahead. "Please no" Liam whispered almost inaudibly. "Cmon Li, it's not that bad, you can't fall and I'll be here the whole time" Harry said softly, understanding his fear. Liam shakily and hesitantly grabbed the two ropes of the wobbly bridge after a minute of trying to avoid a panic attack. "Cmon love just put your feet on now" Harry encouraged. Liam for some reason wanted to do it now he knew Harry was here. But that's weird cuz he hates Harry.. right?. Liam stepped on and Harry followed behind. Liam let a tear slip from his eye when he looked down and saw how high they were and that everyone was watching them. They must think I'm a freak- Liam thought. Liam's tail was rigid between his legs and his ears stuck straight up. Harry knew this meant he was scared. Liam took another step and Harry held Liam by the hips to support him. Warmth spread throughout the area Harry touched. After ten minutes they made it to the other side. "There's no stairs, why isn't there stairs Harry" Liam said panicking all over again. They were stuck. Liam let more than one tear slip this time. "Love listen, I'm going to hold you, and we are going to jump and land on the crash mat" Harry said wrapping his arms around Liam trying to console the poor boy. "No please don't make me jump" Liam cried, he was inconsolable at this point. Suddenly, Harry jumped and the slowly hovered down the rope onto the crash mat. Even when they landed, Liam didn't even consider letting go, instead, just burying his head further into Harry's neck. His scent calming him.
Liam suddenly felt something odd. He felt slick running down his thighs and his whole body felt warm and heavy. He felt like he was going into... HEAT!!

To be continued...


Hope uz enjoyed. I'm thinking on another story with the same concept of male omega fox hybrid, but a Larry one. Where it's friends to lovers kinda thing. Lemme know what you think

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