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They ended up getting Chinese and migrating to a nearby park to eat it. They came across a bench and decided it looked like a nice spot to sit. It got enough sun that it was warm and enough shade that they wouldn't melt. "So baby, how have things been recently, everything okay" Harry asked sounding genuinely concerned, Harry knows that Liam isn't one to share his feeling openly without first being asked. "Yeh fine. You?" Liam shot back, puppy brown eyes filling with concern. "Yeh I'm good princess. A bit weirded out though" he responds, "why?" Liam cocks his head innocently, "well I can't find some of my clothes anywhere" Harry says genuinely confused. Liam instantly blushes, "hmm W-weird" Liam stutters out nervously, "so you don't know anything about that, anything at all" Harry smirks, "n-nope" Liam avoids his gaze. "Hmm, you know I think I'm going to go for a bath when I get ho-" "no!" Liam cuts him off, "why babe" Harry says knowing The answer, "b-because... I uh, I don't know" Liam mumbles, "remember honesty being a rule Li bear" "yehhhh" Liam drags out knowing where this is going, "so where are my clothes and why can't I go for a bath" Harry says holding Liam's wrist and stroking it with his thumb. "Cuzimusingtgemtomakeanestinthebathebathroom" Liam mumbles incoherently, "speak up love" Harry encourages, "I made a nest in the bath" Liam says looking down, pouting adorable at the fact he was caught. "Look at me baby" Harry says sternly but sweetly, Liam does, "you should've told me, but I understand why you didn't, am I allowed to see baby?" Harry asks gently, "yeh.." Liam draws out nervously.

Harry walks up to the bathroom and Liam follows behind cautiously, he opens the door and is met with the scent of alpha and omega as one, he sees the white porcelain filled with his clothes and underwear. Liam sat in it and curled up. He let out the most adorable little growl when Harry tried to touch it, "babe if that was supposed to be intimidating you failed" Harry chuckles. Liam just grabs Harry's hand and starts playing with his fingers, gently nibbling sometimes. Liam's scent was changing from its usual frantic scent to relaxed, nests were said to be sacred and one of the places omegas felt most at rest. "Do we have anymore classes today" Liam whines, "one more class baby but it's tomorrow. That's our last class for the week, I have a feeling you will enjoy it though, but you need to give it a chance okay" Harry says sternly, "okay... what is it" Liam says skeptically, "you'll see my love".

The pair soon decide to dress and head into town for some new stuff. Harry notices Liam looking at some adult sized diapers in the health section with a flustered look on his rosy face. He then notices Liam 'subtly' shoving a two-pack of dummies into his pocket. "Babe" Harry asks, "y-yeh Haz" Liam says flushed, "I'm going to hand you a five pound note, and you are going to pay for those. We can talk about this when we get home okay" Harry says sternly handing Liam a five pound note. Harry grabbed some groceries, a diary a pen and some clothes for Liam in the basket. And they headed home, Harry was humming along with the radio whilst Liam sat looking out the window, face red with embarrassment.

Once they got inside the house Harry packed away his stuff apart from an oversized hoodie and some panties he got for Liam which he laid out on Liam's bed for him, knowing Liam would likely lounge about in them after his shower. Harry himself sat at the small student table in the dorm and made a tea for himself and Liam.

About ten minutes later the soft padding of freshly washed feet could be heard coming across the room. Liam stiff in front of him with a large grey hoodie reaching his mid-thigh, panties underneath but not showing with the size of the hoodie. Liam's legs were freshly shaved and moisturised and it showed. "Baby I know you are scared but we have to talk about this okay" Harry said, "no Harry I'd rather not" "well right now what you'd rather ain't what you're getting. I want to know why you tried to steal" Harry demanded. "Because I didn't want you to see my dummies!" Liam cried, mortified with the situation. "Why, you know I won't judge you!" Harry said back. "But it's still scary! I know that out loud you'll fill my head with praise and love but I don't know that deep down you don't judge, I'm a hybrid Harry. I don't have wiggle room I'm already abnormal, anything else and I'm just a downright freak to society NOT to mention, not to mention that I'm w male omega. So yes Harry I was hesitant to let you know that I'm also a little" Liam says, face cold and blank like a winter portrait, but not a pretty glistening evergreen topped with snow, more of an abandoned desolate scene with dead plants and struggling rabbits desperate for the warmth of affection they are lacking. His eyes were red along with the surrounding area contrasting his deathly pale skin. Rose lips pressed tightly being the only barrier between his emotions and the outside world. "Liam.." Harry whispers, his green eyes filled with worry, "I.. you never said" Harry whispered, "no Harry because unlike other omegas I don't particularly enjoy being a damsel in distress" Liam said loudly, "go lie down in your nest love, I'll bring you the pacifiers and some tea" Harry said almost shamefully.


Oooooo. Not used to writing angst. Ig that's what this is. Anyway, yeh I just wanna dedicate this chapter, especially the ending, to those who struggle, wether that be with identity (gender or sexual orientation etc) or with race issues, mental health issues, housing issues or anything that causes distress in your like big or small as it may be: and I ain't Gunna say that things get better cause I can't promise that, because I myself am still going through a tough time mentally. But what I can promise is that even if things don't get better that I and many others are there to help you through it, forever and always. Love you guys and thank you as always for the continuous support with these stories and thanks for your patience.


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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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