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It had been a while since that day and Liam and Harry have been doing great with the exception of a few slip ups. It was now time for Liam to pick up two extra classes. "I don't want to Harry" whined Liam, "I know live but you have to pick two, c'mon it'll be easy I'll help you" comforted Harry. He took a look through, "how about you take this one, it's a club/class for people like you who don't enjoy school, you get to go and watch films and discuss things etc and they also manage to sneak in education. I promise you'll like it" Harry convinces him, "okay fine but if I don't I'm gunna punch you" he laughs. "Sure. Now, I want us to do this class together, it's beneficial for us both. It's hybrid care, it shows me how to care for you and you how to accept yourself fully" Harry states, "um I don't know I tend to ignore that part of me" he says, "I know Liam but we have to fix that. You are gorgeous" Harry states causing Liam to blush like a tomato. "Okay fine but I'm sitting next to you the whole time and if you even think about leaving I'll- I'll.. I'll be mad" Liam tries to threaten but fails miserably for some reason. "Okay suuuuuure" Harry drags out jokingly. "Hey Harry are you getting taller" Liam asks, "no I'm the same hight I have been for ages" Harry raises an eyebrow. "Everything seems bigger and I seem smaller and I don't know why" Liam says pouting, "you're okay baby, think you're just going through secondary transformation" Harry says as if that's a common knowledge thing, "what?" He asks, "well it's basically because you have been without alpha for so long your brain has treated you like a beta to protect you, but now you have me your brain is submitting to your omega and you're becoming more omega like, you'll get smaller and curvier, a little more submissive and that kinda thing" Harry states. "Oh um okay" Liam responds unsure.


This takes the cake for the worst chapter ever but hope you enjoyed, the next one will be longer and more detailed etc. I had the beginning of this in my head for a while but thanks topinktape12345 I had a prompt for the rest. My wattpad is being weird rn but oh well.

Cya all soon

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