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"what the hell happened to you?!" juyeon exclaims upon seeing chanhee leave the nurse office. he has an ice bag pressed on his right eye, his lip is broken and he's sporting a few developing bruises.

"i'm still trying to figure it out," chanhee answers, bitterly. he's lost. "someone just punched me square in the face. then they kicked me and fleed."

it's not the first time chanhee's went through this. he's small, weak, and can't fight back, of course they'd pick on him. someone they wouldn't want to pick on is juyeon, though, as he's pretty strong for his age. that's probably why they always wait until chanhee's alone to approach him.

"that's so messed up," juyeon says. "where did they hit you? does it hurt?"

chanhee points at his side. "of course it hurts, idiot. i just told you i got beat up."

juyeon looks at him like he has absolutely no clue as of what to answer to that.

"let's skip," chanhee proposes, slipping his hand in juyeon's.

"wait- what?" juyeon's caught in surprise.

"you've never skipped? come on," chanhee grins. well, grinning hurts his face, so he makes a note as to not do it again.

juyeon sighs. "alright."


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