## 𝐓𝐄𝐍

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what's chanhee's favorite part of acting, you may be wondering? his answer would be performing, the parties, and juyeon congratulating him.

well, yeah, he's alway the protagonist of the story, everyone congratulates him. but it's not everyone that matters, it's just juyeon.

chanhee thinks it's really funny how dependent on that boy he is. well, funny is an euphemism, but he does think about it a lot. truth is, he doesn't mind it. he's not an emotional person, he doesn't usually like that kind of stuff. when he was younger he would have cringed so bad at the thought of being so hopelessly in love, but right now, he doesn't. he actually kind of likes it, the way his whole insides twist when juyeon even does so as coming in the proximity of him. it's pretty thrilling, and he likes thrilling stuff. i did say he likes performing.

the big end of the year play will start in approximately twenty-six minutes. he's counting the instant until the orchestra starts playing the opening tune, and the first actors will have to go on scene. he's supposed to enter forty-five seconds after the trumpets start, and reach his spot.

he's counting the seconds backwards, looking at the clock in nervousness. the rest of the cast is doing mostly the same thing, and some of the technicians are running around, settling the mics (it's not like voices can be heard decently in such a shitty theater), and the stylists are fixing everyone up. one of them is crying because a girl spilled coffee over her dress, and now everyone's panicking about it.

this time around, chanhee is the right hand man for the protagonist. he's a supporting character, which is a role that usually doesn't fit him that well, but he likes this one. he thinks it's a nice character, but the script overall is boring. only a few scenes save themselves, like the hero's death. oh no, was that a spoiler?

the clock says it's just thirteen minutes until the first violin starts her solo, and then everyone goes behind her with the intro tune. it's not a musical, but the music department is very involved in the whole production. the whole theme music was composed by them, specifically for the play. chanhee absolutely adores his own character's theme. he asked someone to send it to him so he could download it onto his phone, but they said it wasn't possible. he asked juyeon to (illegally) record it, though.

speaking of the devil-

"juyeon, what the hell are you doing here? it's like ten minutes until we're on! i got you the best seats, you better not let them get stolen!" chanhee exclaims, outraged. (he's actually not, he's really happy to see juyeon right now.)

"i wanted to say good luck before you guys start. like, because i always do, and i didn't want to break the tradition," juyeon replies, scratching his nape in nervousness. chanhee wonders what's got him so nervous, since he's the one about to act in front of like, the whole college.

"...thanks. yeah, like, thanks," he just says, glancing at the clock. it's eight minutes now. i mean, i know i said he liked thrilling things, but i didn't mean that he still got nervous as fuck. (his nerves usually disappeared on stage, but backstage, damn.)

"you look pretty good," juyeon says. he puts an hand on chanhee's arm in hopes of calming him down a bit, and he kind of succeeds.

"thank you. i like the shirt. i may try to steal it, but the stylists would kill me," he manages to joke.

juyeon giggles a bit, then proceeds to hug him.

"dude, you're gonna ruin his make up!" someone yells at them.

chanhee groans. juyeon pulls away, and he has this really really sweet and comforting smile on his lips. chanhee has to suppress the urge to kiss him with a lot of difficulty. like damn, who wouldn't. the clock says three minutes. (time passes in weird ways with juyeon. it goes too fast, in chanhee's opinion.)

the cast around them is running around in panic, everyone worried about the coffee stained dress, their own problems, or forgotten lines, but chanhee's kind of forgotten about it. he's just staring at juyeon, who is a really nice sight. he especially likes the way his nose scrunches when he smiles.

"good luck with the play!" juyeon says one more time, grabbing chanhee's hands and squeezing them. chanhee yells a thank you as he leaves the backstage, while the first violin's solo starts.

chanhee never payed attention to it before, but it's actually really good. sounds a lot like a love song. it's a very sweet, ear catching tune, one that could become a viral hit. he knows the violinist composed it herself, but now that he hears it, he doesn't believe it. the other violins start playing, blending in the tune, and then it's the other instruments, adding color to the music. and now it's the trumpets. he's shook by the realization that the rest of the cast is going on the scene, gradually. he counts the seconds to his turn.

the music is in a crescendo, getting faster, more rhythmic, and it's five seconds until he's up. in an instant, he prep talks himself, and now he's completely in character. as he enters the stage, he's blinded by the lights, but he quickly adjusts to it.

he scans the audience, looking for the spot for where he got juyeon tickets, and he sees him sitting in his place, just in time.

the crescendo keeps getting more and more elaborated, all the intruments playing together as the tune gets to its highest point. juyeon's eyes are on chanhee now.

with that, the music stops. the play begins, the characters start to move, and chanhe's isn't any of the less. but his eyes linger on the audience for a little longer.

chanhee decides that after the play, he's gonna confess to juyeon, and possibly also kiss him. he can just hope he'll reciprocate. for now, though, he has a character to portray. and he's damn well going to ace this role. just because juyeon's watching, though.

it's funny, he thinks as the lead actor starts with his introductory monologue, it's funny that i've been friends with juyeon for so long, yet it took me years to fall for him.

it's also funny that the first words his own character has to say, on reply to the lead actress, are "well, don't be so surprised! for something like this — it takes some time."


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