Chapter 10: The dinner, to the question, to the playing,and finally to the...

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Chapter 10: The dinner, to the question, to the playing, and finally to the awkwardness.

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and everyone should know I love that shit haha. I thought since Jake was a guy he would of woke up late and I would of had to go crazy Stacy on him.

As I walked downstairs without a care, I noticed he heard me and turned in my direction. "Aww I was hoping that you would of jumped on my back again." He joked. "Haha nahh I'm too tired for that,...and hungry " "well then, breakfast is served."

"Hey I've been meaning to ask you. Where did you learn to cook? Cause you're like really good at it." "I don't really know. I think the sec I cracked the egg, I just knew." "Cheesy haha" "Thanks ha"

There he goes with his laugh. I seriously can't stand it anymore but not Like a bad way, in a good way. Its just makes my heart beat faster.

As we were eating, I needed to get some syrup so I grabbed it at the same time he decided to get some. It was like a movie but this was real life and that meant dealing with school. I really needed to study.

"I think I'm going to go study. " "What? No. Come on we have a break from school and we don't want to spend our time studying." He quickly answered. "Well I didn't know you were gonna be so quick about it."

"Sorry. I - Thing is....can you help me study? " He was starting to blush. Bwahahah the tables had turned. I liked seeing him like this. Now he knows how I feel. "Sure. I owe you back anyways"

I pointed to the food. "Oh that. Hell no. I just wanted to make some food for us. What was I gonna do? Let you starve." "You have a point haha. Well come on, get changed." "Finee"

~ a few minutes later~

He came down new and fully dressed. He wore some dark jeans with a white shirt that had a red sweater that came with it. And he had on some white shoes. His hair wet but not wet that it kept dripping.

"Sorry. I kinda needed to use your shower." He said nervously. He had no reason to be nervous. It's not like I do anything anyways. "Its fine." I say back as I'm washing the dishes.

Yes I am still washing the dishes, but it's because the whole time I couldn't help but think about life or school or friends. Even my crush. Carlos seemed a bit off. He didn't seem Like the Carlos I knew.

I texted him yesterday and he read it right after and he didn't even text me back. Carlos would of at least read it and tell me if he was busy or whatever he does in his life.

"Now come on!" I say as I finally finish the last plate and start to walk to the living room. "Where are we going?" He asks.

"To study!!" I blurt out. "But-" "No buts mister. We are going to study even if you like it or no-" "okay. First of all you sound like my mother and second aren't you going to change?"

"Oh yeah. I might as well take a shower too." "Umm yeah. I'm going to go to the store and see what I can make later." "Okay!! Byeee be careful"

I realize I did sound like a mother just then and there. I stopped and waited for his responce. "Thanks mom!" I heard him say as his laugh started fading. Whatever. I'm Lame, I know.

I went to my closet and picked out the clothes I wanted. Then I took the shower.

I wore some dark blue ripped skinny jeans with a blue to white shirt. Some white Vans and a galaxy bracelet that has the Yin Ying Yang sign on the other side. A diamond heart necklace. A little work on my eye make-up and Some light pink lip gloss. My hair was dripping wet so I just dried it with my towel and that seemed to solve the wet problem. Now my hair was wavy as usual. Not that dry though.

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