Chapter 7: New Girl

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So apparently it's Monday and you know what that! "Yayyy". I know millions of kids would love to be in my spot for education so I shouldn't really complain as much...should I? Hm nahh.

School is pretty much tough for me to be honest. I hate math and prefer reading. Some people call me crazy cause of that but I don't blame them. I might have some friends but I always feel invisible. My favorite parts of school is pretty much just going on the bus or leaving it. Lame I know, but it's peaceful for me, even though people are screaming and yelling around me but I don't hear them cause I listen to my music. Its like what people say or quotes,I don't know, but what they say is "music in, problems out" Well something like that.

As I walked into the furry depths of hell (School) I noticed people were all crowded together in the hallway,and that's really rare. No one here gets that close unless something dramatic happened like a fight.....OMG A FIGHT!? I started to speed walk to the crowd and tried to squeeze through. Let me remind you that when I was in middle school I was pretty tall but I guess puberty came and now I feel small. Anyways...I was able to squeeze through a little and I'm pretty sure I smelled something bad (eww).

I finally made it and when I saw what was the commotion I kinda got disappointed. I was really looking forward to a fight...well can't blame me,or all these people. As I stood there in front of the girl I was surprised that she looked happy. I mean that's good but in this school I hardly see anyone with a smile of course unless its fake. She was really pretty and about the size of me just a few inches taller. She had turquoise hair that was pretty long. And she had the most perfect eyeliner on her eyes. She had a leather jacket with some black jeans and a black beanie. Oh and a white tank-top.

As I stare at the girl,she looked at me and smiled brightly and started walking towards me. EEK SHE'S WALKING TOWARDS ME! WALK AWAY! I turned around and I started walking away. I know I know, that was pretty rude but I'm not one of those people who are social. Especially to new people. My mom says that when I was little,I used to make a lot of friends by just walking up towards them and asking if they wanted to play. Honestly I remember those times and I remember some of the kids. I tell my mom that its different now,but of course parents really won't understand so I just leave it at that.

Well now that I think about it. I stop in the middle of my tracks and I turn around. I look around for the girl and sadly no sight until I see her walk back to where she came from. Uhh..uhh I have to do something, I don't want to be THAT rude I mean come on I have to give her a break,she is new after all. She needs someone to help her around this burning hell. Uhh I have to think quick but of course I don't think and I always end up doing something stu- "HEY! YOU! YOU ARE VERY PRETTY!" As I was saying, I always end up doing something stupid. Now everyone's looking at me. Ugh I hate attention. I wish I can just shoot it and murder it or something. Hey don't judge me. Pfft like you've never been embaressed.

As I'm having a melt down I hear the girl walk toward me and everyone is STILL looking. Fuck. The girl giggles and says "haha thanks! You are too! Hi. My name is Rain." And she sticks her hand out so that we can shake hands. I would but I'm not a buissness person and also from all that attention my hands were kinda sweaty.

I was going to stick my hand out but as I did, everything started spinning and I got dizzy then...blank. I don't remember much after that. Ughhh. "Is ____________" "well she could _____ but she should be ______ home ASAP!" My eyes started to open but my head still hurt and I couldn't really hear much of what they were saying. I groaned and they heard me and started asking me questions like "are you okay? "Does your head hurt?" "Uhh kinda but um what happened?" I ask. "Ohh poor sweetie. You fainted from a lot of pressure and here you are." Said The nurse. I've never been to the nurse but she seems nice so I won't even care or judge. "Um well thanks but I think I have to go" I try to get up and they push me down. Yes 'they'. The new girl....uhh Rain yeah..I think,well she was there too.

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