Meeting the boys pt.1

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Maria is a normal girl but she isn't really the social type. Her hobbies are usually going to a quiet cafe after school and reading,until one day she sees a really nice,nerdy,and cute guy doing the same thing BUT what will she do after another guy pops in?

*Oh gosh...what do I do hes just so cute. Maybe i should say hi?...haha yea right i don't even know the guy.He keeps on staring over here...why?* "Um hello?" said a voice i never recognized before.I turned around guessing it was the cleaning guy,but no it was the cute guy who was on the other side just a minute ago."Oh I'm sorry,did you say something?" I said trying to hide my blushing. He chuckled. "Yes,i was asking if I could sit with you?,not trying to act weird its just i usually sit here and im not used to it over where I was sitting at." "Oh i will just mov-" "No..well i mean its not a big deal right? you can still sit here i wont mind" *aww hes so sweet...oh gosh i forgot to answer....again* "Um yeah,no biggie" *really maria,really? no biggie wow i have got to learn to talk*

we talked for a while until he got a phone call,I'm guessing it was his parents. "hey mom" * look at that I was right* "yes mom,uh-huh, mmm ok, yes ok bye love you too bye" *Talk about mommy's boy haha okay now I have to admit that was mean...wait am I talking to myself? yes,yes you are or should I say yes I am? damn I should stop talking to myself. Huh I didn't realize that boy is looking at me-oh shit he asked me a question* "uhh what was that again? hehe sorry" "haha its okay I said maybe we can meet later? here I wrote you my number so we can talk or text each other about our meet up. bye hope to see you soon!" And like that he left on the way giving me a piece of paper with numbers, I guess this was his number. I HAD to call my best friend after what just happened I mean, this doesn't really happen, especially to me! I mean look at me I'm a mess pfft I bet that boy only talked to me cause he felt bad for me...yeah that makes sense.

sorry for making this so short I'm still new at this! This is my first story so please don't hate I tried my best!

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