Chapter 1 : Leaving Australia

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Jessica : So are you ready to go to Korea ?

Y/N : Ya .

Jessica : What happens if you meet Chaeyoung ?

Y/N : Well I don't think so because she is now an idol and probably will not be in the places I will be.

Jessica : Well she is going to Korea's fashion week .(Pretend that exists)

Y/N : She is ?!

Jessica : Ya , you didn't know ?

Y/N : No .

Jessica : Well...

Y/N : Ok I'll hope I don't meet her there.

Jessica : Ya ok are you all packed , I'm going to miss you so much .

She hugs me and I hug her back.

Y/N : I'm going to miss you too.

(They are at Y/N's house in the living room)

Jessica : Let's go to the café since you are going to be going to be gone for 5 months

Y/N : Yes I'm going to miss that café

We go the café and chat

At night and lie on your bed.

I have been thinking about me and Chaeyoung's relationship and what happened between you two. It was great in the beginning.

(Italics here means flashback)


Me and Roseanne went to the same highschool. We meet in a school club for art. Today we were meeting at the park . She said she wanted to tell me something.

At the park :

Y/N : Hi Rosie !

I hug her she hugs me back .

Rosé : Hi Y/N !

Y/N : So what did you want to say ?

Rosé : So you remember when I auditioned for YGE .

Y/N : Ya.

Rosé : So I got in !

Y/N : OMG Congratulations!!!!

Rosé : Ya so have to go to Korea in 1 month .

Y/N : Ow ok .

Rosé : So we can still be together long distance.

Y/N : Ok I'm so excited for you !

Rosé : Really !

Y/N : Ya why wouldn't I .

Then she kisses me on the lips.

Y/N : Ok I need to go and do my homework.

Rosé : Ok bye!!

Y/N : Bii!!

We throw her party before she left.

A couple months after she went to Korea.

We were on FaceTime. She has been a little cold for a little bit. On FaceTime she says that this relationship has become hard to have . And then she says

Rosé : Let's break up.

Y/N : Wah why .

Then she ends the call.

I start to cry.

My mom comes.

Mom : What happened?

Y/N : Roseanne just broke up with me.

Mom : Ow its ok let me get you some ice cream and you can do nothing all day today.

Y/N : Ok can I call Jessica ?

Mom : Ya.

After she left I called Jessica. Jessica came and we watched some movies and ate ice cream. At some point of time Jessica took my phone and blocked Rosé on all my socials and other stuff.

After Rose debuted . I have a really successful fashion brand now. I unbanned Rosé a couple days later. But changed her name to Rosé. I heard that Rosé was also in Australia right now and was also leaving on the same day as me . I hope we don't meet on the plane.

The next day. On the plane and I look around to see who's around me . (I'm in first class ) And then I look next to me and see..


10 Years Later (Chaeyoung x Femreader) ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя