Chapter 15 : The Treasure Hunt

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Lilly POV
Y/N : Hey Lilly where are you going?
Lilly : Umm… I'm going to shop to get snacks
Y/N : A.. ok get some cookies
Lilly : Sure
I leave to go to Rosé's house to help them make a treasure hunt .
At Rosé's house
Lilly : Hii
Everyone expect Lilly : Hii
Lilly : So how do I help
Jennie : Well first you have to give this letter as the first clue
Lilly : Ok
A/N Note : Well I'm not going to tell the rest of the plan , let it be a surprise.

A few hours later
Rosé is calling me so I reluctantly pick up the phone.
Rosé : You picked up thank you
Y/N : humm…
Rosé : Look I'm sorry about sleeping with Yeri
Y/N : Ok look it's not only that , I honestly scared to go back to being in a relationship with you because of the way you left me last time.
Rosé : Look I can explain that
Y/N : Like what did I do , why did leave me without giving me a reason
I started to cry at this point ( I'm in my room )
Rosé : Look it was not your fault please don't the blame on yourself
Y/N : What then why didn't you tell me a reason do you how much it messed me up
Rosé : Look I'm sorry for not giving a reason and please don't cry . I didn't want to break up with you
Y/N : Then why did you
Rosé : It was because of YGE ok
Y/N : Then why didn't you tell me that
Rosé : Because I didn't want it to be true.
Y/N : But it was true
Rosé : Look I sorry
Y/N : I have to go
Rosé : Wait--
I hang up
I washed my face and made sure I didn't look like a cry and then went back to my room and binge watched Netflix.
A few days later .
Lilly : Someone wanted to give you this letter , it's from a trusted person
Y/N : A.. ok
I open it : Go to where we first re-met . Hint Crema. Use this money to buy yourself some munchkins (A/N Note : for those who did not grow up with Dunkin donuts munchkins are donut holes) . You know food is the way to someone's heart.
Lilly : Go there
Y/N : Yes I'm getting munchkins
I go to the Crema Coffee House. I chose an assortment of munchkins in a box ( chocolate , sugar coated , glazed ).
Employee : Are you Lee Y/N?
Y/N : Yes
Employee : Someone wanted to give this to you
She gives me a letter
I paid and sat down on one of the tables and ate my munchkins. I read the letter
Now this is somewhere we haven't gone but when I feel stressed I go to the Han river which is a short walk from here . So go and eat your munchkins there. And find a purple rock near the picnic table.
I get up and go there. The Han river was so relaxing to just sit and eat. After eating I threw the box and I found a purple rock. It was easy to find.
The note under the rock :
The place where we had our first kiss after rekindling.
Hehe rekindling seriously. You mean you force me to kiss you but it felt nice. I walked to Rosé's house.
I ring the doorbell.
Rosé : Hi come in
She hugs me , I hug her back . Then I turn around and see the sweetest indoor date .
Y/N : You didn't need to do that
I sat down.
Rosé : Well I wanted to show you that I cared about you
Y/N : Aww.. thank you
Rosé : You finished all the munchkins
Y/N : Ya sorry
Rosé : It's ok those were for you
We chatted and ate and took pictures. It was the one of the best dates I've been on. I forgave her.

A year later :
Me and Rosé live in 2 different countries but we speak everyday . I go to Korea every year and she comes to Australia every year and we meet during the fashion weeks .Jessica is probably one of the biggest fan of our relationship. Which is cute. I met Rosé's parents again after many years and they accepted our relationship. Rosé met my parents again and they were also fine with our relationship. I guess you should talk to the person next to you on the plane.

A/N Note : Hii thank you for all the support this book. Also yes , this is the last chapter. But I will make a bonus chapter which I'm really excited to post . So till the bonus chapter . Bii.

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