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"(y/n)-chan i wanted to tell you something.." iwaizumi approached, his shirt still not on. my face heated up as he walked into the laundry room and shut the door behind him.

"yeah?" i asked, shocked he called me (y/n)-chan and why he still isn't wearing a shirt.

"i never wanted to admit this, but i.." he rubbed his face nervously as my heart raced a bit.

"but what?" i stood up, my body having a mind of its own and going towards him.

"i really like you" he sighed and looked away from me. "it's embarrassing i know, and you probably don't even see me the same but ever since kindergarten i swear you had an affect on me"

"hajime.." i looked up at him, he looked as incredible as ever. "i, i like you too"

he looked back at me with a bit of excitement in his eyes. instantly he leaned forward, kissing me softly as his arms snaked around my waist.

i was shocked, but proceeded to kiss back, until i felt something holding me back.

"(y/n)..." a soft voice came out of no where. i looked around frantically, but seen nothing. "wake up.." suddenly iwaizumi slipped away from me and i felt empty....

"(y/n)!" iwaizumi yelled a bit, making me jump.

"what, what?" i jumped right up. "what?" my shoulders finally un-tensed themselves as i realized it was all just a dream. i sighed with relief but also with disappointment.

"you fell asleep in here" iwa looked at me with furrowed brows. this time he did have a shirt on.

"yeah, yeah, my bad" i scratched my head and observed my surroundings. i looked over at the dryer, which it made five minutes until it was done. "i'm sorry"

"don't be" he leaned up against the dryer as i stretched my legs. i put my arms on the edge of the dryer and boosted myself up, sitting and swinging my legs a bit since they did really touch. i sigh tiredly, and rubbed my eyes.

"i don't care what you said earlier, you're the one always taking care of me" i smiled and hit his arm.

"not really" he crossed his arms.

"yes really" i put my hand in my shorts pocket and grabbed my chapstick, putting some on because i now just realized i left it in their. iwa looked at my hand then at my eyes. he puckered his lips making me smile a bit. "you want some?" i held it up as he nodded, still puckering up.

whenever he was sleepy he always acts childish. i grab held of his face with my left hand, placing my index finger and thumb holding his chin.

i put the chapstick on his lips and pulled away, pressing my lips together making him imitate my movement.

he rubbed his lips together and smiled. "taste like cherry"

"you're not supposed to lick it" i nudged his arm, making him also smile a little.

"taste like candy" he hummed and the timer went off for the jerseys.

i jumped off the dryer and opened the fresh laundry, grabbing it in a big pile and setting it on top of the machines. i started to fold them neatly and stacked them in a pile.

iwaizumi grabbed some and also started to do laundry, watching my hands for a second so he could mimic the motion.

i let my mind drift as i fold the clothes, my body just doing the work. i couldn't stop thinking about the dream. everything felt so real. "are you okay?" iwaizumi finished the clothes as i had a few more things left.

childhood crush (hajime iwaizumi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now