Chapter Five

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"Chris? Chris? Can you hear me?"

I woke up. I was in my apartment, laying on my couch. My head was spinning,,  my face was in pain and my groin hurt. I looked up. Ty was hovering over me.
"Oh, good," said Ty. "I thought you were dead."
"W-what the hell happened?" I moaned.
"You got knocked out. I happened to be in the area, you got knocked out. The guy who beat you up, I saw him. He was about finish you and until I came over and stopped him. Then I drove you back."
I slight out a slight groan. I wasn't in pain as I was. "How long was I out?"
"Four hours."
I moaned. I felt like I got hit by a car.
"Do you have to work today?"
I shook my head.
"Good. Just stay here and don't move for about a couple hours. I got to go run an errand."
He left.

I laid down and I stared at the ceiling. As much pain as I was in, I still didn't feel like moving. My arms were too stiff to do anything.  I didn't even feel like eating. I just stayed on the couch.  However, it's like something hit me. The more I stared into the ceiling, it's like something hit me. And not that gut who assaulted me earlier. It's a sudden realization. I realize that Ashton's plan to break into the mall was dumb. Because first off, is that key legit? Can it really open any door in the world? Is he legit. I smirked. He wouldn't lie to me. But at the same time, I feel like this whole entire plan is dumb. There has to be another way to get that tape. But. I don't know. Ashton has done a lot of illegal things in his life.  Like, what if they key doesn't work? I don't know. It seems suspicious. I should probably consult with with Jacob and see if we can try to talk him out of this crazy ass plan.

When I had the energy, I slowly and carefully got to my phone.  I called Jacob.
"Y'ello?" said Jacob.
"Hey Jacob, what'cha doing now?"
"Nothing, I'm about to go my cousin's stupid play. Why?"
"I just had a thought. Can I come over?"
"Yeah, sure. My folks'll be gone for a couple hours and I got the house to myself. Plus I don't wanna be alone."
"Cool, I'm on my way."

* * *

About twenty minutes later, I parked in Jacob's place. He has a nice little place. However, I saw Miles' Ford Fusion out there. I guess he was with Jacob. I rang the bell. Jacob answer.
"Hey, du...whoa, what in the hell happened to you?" he asked in surprise.
" mugged."
"Holy shit, well come in."
We stepped inside.
"Guess who's here," called Jacob. Miles was sitting the living room.
"Hey, Miles. I said, What are you doing here?"
Jacob invited me. Said you wanted to talk."
"Privately," I hissed at Jacob.
"Anyways," said Jacob, as if he didn't get my message, "what did you want to say?"
"Sit down, and I'll tell ya."
We sat down.
"Okay," I began, "So last night I was ding some thinking this whole plan with Ashton is...pretty stupid. You see..."
Jacob slammed his hand. "Yes, thank you! Now you're seeing sense. Ashton is a moron."
"Don't interrupt me," I snapped. "I wasn't finished. Now as I was saying," I continued, "This plan is stupid. He's talking highly illegal shit. We could get busted."
"Wait a minute," said Miles. "Didn't he mention a 'master key'?"
"Yeah, but, he could be saying that and actually breaking into the mall," said Jacob.
"We're talking lots of crimes her," I added.
"Then again, he's done a lot of illegal stuff in the past."
"How are you still friends with this guy?" asked Jacob.
"I don't..."
"Honestly, man," said Jacob, "I'm warning you know. You need to cut that fucker out of your life. He could easily influence you. And I'm surprised he hasn't been arrested. "
"Look, I'll worry about that later.  Right now, we need to focus on how we can talk him out of this and legally get this DVD out."
"This wouldn't happen if he had just left the DVD alone..."

"I have a question for you guys," I said.
"Do you really think there is actually such thing as a master key? He said it could open any door in the world."
Jacob snorted. "No, I doubt it. I think he's lying. All the doorholes in the world aren't the same. He's brain dead if he thinks this actually works."
"Well, look. It's settled. We'll try and convince and tell him this week."

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