Chapter Nine

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Back to work.  

It was opening time. I really like opening. It's really peaceful. I put my music in. I was prepping some uncooked chicken I had to fry later. I cut them into equal pieces. Once I finished cutting them, I put them in the fridge and I took the empty container to the dishpit. When I got there, I saw that there were a lot of pieces the dishwashers had to clean before we open in two and a half hours. 
Been there, done that, I thought slyly.

About an hour later, I put my apron on, and I began to organize the burgers. I took the patties out of the fridge. But then, I realized something. The other line cooks weren't there. That's weird. Normally, they were here. The prep cooks were already in the back prepping for the day. I really found it weird that the other cook wasn't here. Normally they help me cook, but this time they weren't here. This was taking a long time. But I heard some chatting around the corner. Curious, I went to go investigate. As I turned the corner, I saw Marc and two other cooks watching and laughing talking about some dumb shit I don't even wanna know about. I scowled. Marc never talks to me like that. I don't care if I'm not hood or ghetto like him. On top of that, he's distracting the coworkers because we have shit to do. 

As I was getting ready, I felt a huge surge of jealousy hit me. That bastard Marc has been a lead for two years, and to be honest, he doesn't even deserve to be one. He's been abusing his position. I would have been a better lead. About two years ago, our old lead got fired, so the position was open, and it was only one spot open. He and I both applied for the position. I felt I was qualified than he was, but I was wrong. They favored him over me. He and I never really got along. He hates my guts for some reason. I think it's because I have a better car than he does. He has a Dodge Neon, while I have a Lexus. He wants a Charger, but I know that car isn't shit. At that very moment, I turned my head and there was standing there staring dead at me. It looked like he was giving me the evil eye. Then he left. I don't know what that was about, but I'm just gonna pretend that didn't happen at all. 

Later, that late morning. I stepped away to get something to drink. I walked past him again, and he was staring at me again. What the hell? Something isn't quite right here. I finished my drink and went back. About an hour later, I stepped away to the restroom. No sooner I stepped out he stared at me yet again. I didn't understand it at all. What the hell is going on? Why is he staring at me? He and I don't get along, but I think he's taking it to the extreme this time. If he has something he wants to say to me, then he needs to stop being a little bitch he already is and speak up. But I don't wanna overthink this.  I decided I needed to talk to someone about this. I decided to speak to Derek about this. He's wise. I decided to wait until the rush was over. No sooner it ended. I looked over to Marc he was talking with his boys. I snorted, but I needed to find Derek. Normally, he takes a smoke break out in the back. So, I took off my apron and went to find him. 

Sure enough, I found him outside. I was smoking his cigar. He looked up.
"What's up, Chris?" he asked me.
"Got a minute?" I asked. 
"Sure." He finished smoking and threw out his cigar butt. I sat down next to Derek. 
"You look like something's on your mind," he noticed. 
I nodded. I explained to all what's going on with Marc and those hard stares he's been giving me all day. When I finished, Derek was silent for a moment. Then he gave me a look. 
"I know that look," he says finally.
"You do?"
He nods. "It means that you screwed up and he knows about. That means you done screwed up bad. Big time. Have you done anything recently?"
I thought for a moment. "Uh....not recently."
"Are you positive?"
Derek thought for a moment. "Well, in that case, the best thing I suggest you do is you confront him about it. Ask him what's going on. Don't take any nonsense from him. If necessary, bring it up higher ground.  Don't let this keep bothering you all day."
I thought. "You're right. I can't allow this. I'll keep you posted. 
Derek smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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