Chapter Eight

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"What am I doing?"

I asked myself as I drove along the two-lane road heading to this guy's house. It was dark and I followed the instructions Ashton gave me to find this man's address. I was so curious about this. Like I wanted to know who this guy is and why Ashton sent me. I felt very nervous. I don't even know why I agreed to this. I looked at the GPS. I would be there in five more minutes. I really wish I could brought Jacob or Miles with me. I would have at least had a witness should something happen to me. In fact. I don't even know where the hell I am.

"In one mile, turn left into the driveway," said the GPS.

I was getting closer. I looked around. This area seemed lonely. There was a lot of trees and houses, but they were mainly hidden. What kind of neighborhood is this? Or, is this even a neighborhood? Whatever this thing is I'm picking up, I hope it's worth me driving forty miles round trip. Even though I had nothing better to do right now, I didn't feel right driving to some stranger's house almost in the middle of nowhere. Finally, the GPS instructed me to make a left in the driveway, so I did. It was a one lane cutting with trees. I drove really slowly. Soon, after passing the trees, I saw a gap. I gasped.

This was a hidden house from the main road. It was medium-sized, two-story. It was dark. I parked my SUV next to the door. I stepped out and I took a deep breath. I walked to the door. I was so nervous. The front door read "FIGUEROA". I knocked on the door. Soon, I heard footsteps, then the door slightly cracked open. A short man appeared. He was about a foot and a half shorter than me. He wore a backwards cap. His black hair was slicked back. He was wearing a soccer Jersey. He looked at me.
"You Chris?" he asked. He had a Hispanic accent.
"Er...yes, yes I am," I replied.
"You ain't a cop, are you?"
"Of course not," I answered.
"You sure?"
"Why would Ashton send a undercover cop this way?" I asked.

The man looked at me for a minute. "Good point," he said. "I'm Hector. Hector Figueroa."
"Pleased to meet you," I said.
Hector stuck his head out to the left and to the right. "Come on in." I stepped in. Behind me. Hector closed the door. Behind me, I heard seven locks being here. Hector turned around.
"Got the dough?" he asked. At first, I didn't know what he was talking about, but then now I know. I reached in my wallet and pulled out the money. He took it and counted every single bill in there.
"Perfect," he said. "Wait here." Then he disappeared in the back. While I waited, I looked around. This really was a small hone. I think he's the only one who lives here. I just want to know why this guy is secluded. It doesn't make sense to me. 
About a minute or two later, Hector returned carrying a metal case.
"Here it is," said Hector. "Here are the tools you'll need for your mission."
"Thanks," I said. "I..."
"Ah! Not so fast," said Hector. "Beware the tools are highly illegal.  I know a guy who once had them, he was sent fifty years in prison. So make sure you get that to him safely and securely. I'd join you guys on your mission, but I can't leave my place right now."
I was really curious and I wanted to know why, but I remembered Ashton's warning on not to ask questions, so I just kept my mouth shut. 
"Now make sure you take that straight to Ashton. You don't need to be seen with that thing in your possession, alright?"
I nodded.
"Also," added Hector, "don't open that until you get back."
We got up.
"Pleasure doin' business with you," said Hector.  "Oh, one more thing. Tell Ashton he owes me.
Without thinking, I asked, "Owes you what?"
But Hector left. I shrugged. I don't know what he meant, but that didn't matter.  What mattered was I needed to get the hell out of here. 

I left the place, and I went back to my car. I opened the trunk. I didn't need to look because there was no one else out here.  I used one of the spare bags in my trunk to hide the metal briefcase. And I buried it underneath. I don't know what was in this thing. I closed and locked my trunk and got in and then finally I got in my car. Luckily, I had enough gas to get back to my side of town, because I didn't want to stop for anything. I backed up and drove away.

It was dark when I drove back in Ashton's. I pulled his driveway. I got out and opened my trunk. This time, I looked left and right. Then I got the briefcase out and dragged it to the place. I rang the bell. Phew! I thought. That was close. Ashton opened the door.
"Glad you're back! Quick, hurry get in!"
Then he closed and locked the door.
"You got the stuff?"  he asked.
I presented the metal briefcase.
"Good man! You actually got it."
"It was no issue at all."
"That's good. Wait here."
He disappeared into the den with the briefcase. I heard him saying things like "Yes, yes," and others. About two minutes later, he came back.
"Excellent," he said. "We got what we need for our plan."
"What's in the briefcase?" I asked. "Can I see?"
"No, not yet. You'll see when we do this. Anyway, here's a little something for your successful mission."
He opened his wallet and gave me fifty dollars. 
"Thanks," I said. 
"No problem."
"What's next?"
"Well, I just need to do some more planning and pull some more strings. We're almost ready. I'll contact you guys once the plan is finalized. It shouldn't be much longer. I'll let you know." 
"See you later." Then I left.

It was really was an exhausting night. I couldn't wait to go back home. 

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