Chapter Four

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It was almost midnight. I gathered a bunch of ingredients to make whatever it would take to make this. I made a plan.  I spent the evening gathering ingredients to make the perfect concoction.  It took me a long time to make it, but it will be worth it when I get my job back.
"Perfect," I remarked.  I put my mystery ingredient in my refrigerator and went to sleep.

That next day, as I drove I smiled. This was my plan. During D's break, he typically makes burgers. While he isn't I slipped my secret ingredient, also known as my "special lettuce" in it. Within a few minutes, he will start coughing and everyone will think he think has COVID.  I parked right behind where I normally park. I took my backpack out of my trunk, slipped my mask on and walked in. It was nine a.m. D's break won't be for another three hours. When I walked in, another one of the utility workers, Rick, walked to me.

"Hey, Christopher, it's your turn to clean to the grease trap tonight," he said. Usually, I hate cleaning out the grease trap, and I would try to get to get someone else to do so, but all I said was, "Okay." I was feeling to good
Rick stared at me. "I said it's your turn to clean out the trap tonight."
"Yes, I know. I heard you."
Rick walked away, staring suspiciously. I grunted. I hate it when he calls be my government name.

Finally, noon came. I heard D. leaving the kitchen. Showtime, I thought. I reached in my pocket, and slipped out a plastic bag which had the lettuce. His burger was already complete. I put some gloves on and I very carefully slipped the lettuce in, and strode away. I watched him. It wasn't long before I heard loud coughing and screams and yells.
"Oh no!"
"Is he okay?"
"Does he have Rona?"
"I don't know," I added innocently.

Marc came in wondering what was going on. Along with two other officials.
"Looks like he got food poisoning," he said. "Or I could be wrong."
They called the EAS. A little later, they took D, who was passed out, on a gurney and into an ambulance.
"Poor D."
"I hope he'll pull though."
"He will," said Marc. "Back to your stations, please, everyone."
Everyone left, even me.

Later, that day, I was scrubbing out some pots and pans. I pulled my mask under my nose. I turned my head and saw Marc heading toward me. Shit. I quickly pulled it back up.
"Chris, can I talk to you?"
"Uh, sure," I said, trying not to act suspicious. "What's up?"
"As you know, D has left here indefinitely under some medical conditions."
"I see," I said innocently.
"So, Mr. Harney and I were doing some talking. We've noticed your performance has been getting better. So we both decided you will be getting promoted back to your position as a line cook."
I couldn't believe it. "Really?"
"Yes, of course."
"Just remember. No more silly mistakes. We will be watching closely." And he strode away.  I couldn't believe my wish finally came true. Even thought it cost D, and it was a sabotage. I felt good.  Later that day, coincidentally  we had a new employee come. His name is Vince. He's about eight years younger than me. I heard he's a high school senior and coincidentally, he's taking over my old job as a utility worker.

That night, I finished my shift. I finished  cleaning the kitchen and I packed some burgers to go.  I placed my backpack on.  When I went out the back door, I saw him sitting down with his AirPods  in without his mask. I decided to be nice and help him out.
"You know you can't do that, right?" I said. "If Rick catches you, he'll snitch on you."
"You mean that old guy?" eh responded. "He just left me."
"Did he?"
"I dunno," said Vince. "Shit, I'm tryin' to get outta here too. But Marc says I can't leave 'til this area is clean."
"How was the first day?"
"Imma tell you, it was alright, but stressful, man. All this shit is easier said than done. I didn't expect for it to be this stressful."
"Well, I've been down that way," I replied. "I've been working here for almost six years and I'm used to it."
I sat down. 
"I cook all the food and I used to be general worker like you."
"Did you like it?"
I scoffed. "Hell no. It's too much work."
"You're tellin' me."
"Why did you want this job?"
"'Cause my old job laid me off due to this goddamn pandemic. I used to work at a receiving dock at the mall and it was fun. I worked with people my age and we got to fuck around a lot. But I got this old guy running up my ass. And he keeps calling me Vincent, and not Vince, to top it off. It ain't fair. I'm eighteen years old and I "
"Working here ain't that twice bad," I said. "I get to take whatever's leftover home at the end.  Tell you what. Since it's your first night, why don't I show you around and show you what to do?"
"Yeah, sure. Just follow me."

I showed Vince the ropes around here. I helped him clean up and then we even cleaned the grease trap together. It was close to ten when we finished.
"I appreciate it, boss," said Vince, smiling.
"Of course. You need a ride home?"
"Nah, I just live around the block."
We both got our backpacks, stripped off our aprons and left.
"By the way," said Vince, "Rick was tellin' me about a guy who used to work here."
"What guy?" I asked.
"His name is D'Angelo, but we call him 'D' for short.
I felt my heart almost stop.
"What happened to him?"
"Uh, no idea," I lied.
"Oh. Well that's s shame. I heard that he's sick because he ate a nasty burger..."

"...and now they're not sure if he can come back or not. It's too bad. He's a good friend of mine and hate to see him like this. At least he ain't got COVID.
I got my car.
"See ya, Chris!" called Vince. He walked away.
I waved, and I drove away.

As I drove past, I felt a lot of guilt go over me. All of this because I wanted my job back? I'm really starting to have second thoughts about this. I couldn't let anyone know  I was responsible for this. I may not like him, but he shouldn't have to go through this.  I came to red light. Then I looked down I realized I was still wearing my mask. Damn it! I stripped the stupid thing off and I rolled down my window and threw it out, which was  a huge mistake.
I turned around and I grimaced.  It turns out I accidentally hit someone in the face with my mask. Goddamn it!  I tried to speed away as fast as I can, but he was catching up to me.  I pulled over. The guy catched up to me. He was mad.
"What the hell's your problem, man?" he snapped. "You threw your damn mask in my face!"
"Sorry, it was an acc.."
"You know that's disgusting and spread germs! I'll teach you!"
SMACK! He hit me across the face left hand. I doubled back.
"Oh, hell no!" I said. I couldn't get let this slide.
POW! I punched him across the face and then he fell face first in the grass.
"You, my friend, made a big mistake," he sneered.
SMACK, SMACK, POW, BAM! I could feel hands slapping against my face and before I could regain consciousness, I fell to the ground dazed. My head was spinning and then in the distance, I could hear tires squeal in the distance...

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